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Registration FAQ

How do I register for classes?

Student OHIO ID and password are required for registering for classes. Information about your student OHIO ID and password is available on the OIT Website.

How to Register for Classes instructions. 

How can I get a copy of my class schedule?

您的课程表可在注册后立即获得,并可在线查看. Notifications to check your schedule will be sent periodically.

Student OHIO ID and password are required for registering for classes. Information about your student OHIO ID and password is available on the OIT website.

To obtain your class schedule:

Sign in to MyOHIO Student Center

  • click on "other academic... " drop-down box
  • choose "Class Schedule"
  • click 
double arrow

No. Generally bypassing the waitlist is not permitted. If a student needs some other override, such as instructor permission, they might be able to obtain that and get onto the waitlist, but will not be able to bypass the waitlist.


If you are not able to reach the instructor(s) of record, please contact the department or regional campus offering the class. Department contact information can be found at the Academic Departments Listing webpage.


申请通过后,您将收到一封电子邮件,通知您确认您的注册. You will complete the registration process in your MyOHIO Student Center. 一旦课程被成功添加,它将被列在你的学生中心的时间表上.  

Please note: You must confirm permission for a class from your shopping cart. 单击未决类权限列表中的确认链接不会将该类添加到您的时间表中. 


No, permission does not guarantee a seat in the class. For example, 如果一个课程在你申请许可时是开放的,但在你确认注册时已经满了, 如果您没有收到覆盖已满的类的权限,您将无法注册. 因此,您应该在收到批准后尽快完成注册.

What if I request permission for a class that is not full at the time, but once the instructor grants permission the class has filled up?

In general, you will not be able to register for the class in this case. However, you can submit another permission request for this class, and, if there is not a waitlist for a class, “班级已满”的重写将包括在要求教师审查时.


Yes, we will continue to accept paper permission slips for a limited time.

What if I want to keep my class lecture section, but I want to request permission for a lab that better fits my schedule?

In this case, you can request permission, but you must request permission for both the lecture and lab, since they are registered for in tandem. 您不需要删除您所在的类部分来请求对另一个类的权限. If approved, 然后,您可以选择删除原始部分并添加您获得许可的部分.

The faculty member gave me permission to get into the class, but the expiration date to enroll via permission has passed. What should I do?

一旦类权限过期,您将无法使用已批准的权限. You will need to receive another approval, 遵循与原始批准相同的流程(通过学生中心启动流程或联系记录指导老师), department office, or regional campus).


Not for full semester classes. You are not able to request permission after the last date to add the class, which is the second Friday of the semester for full semester classes. For classes that start later or do not meet the entire semester, this date could vary, but is available in Course Offerings.

Can I request permission to get into any class offered at Ohio University?

No. The online permission process is available for all types of courses, but some departments have restrictions on adding a class, via permission. If a class is not available to request permission, you will still see a link to request permission, but you will receive an error message indicating it has been restricted.



The instructor gave me permission to be in a class. Do I need to do anything else?

Yes, you will need to return to you MyOHIO Student Center, locate the class in your shopping cart, and click the "Confirm" link. Follow the additional steps to finalize adding the class to your schedule.

I need help but am not sure who to contact. What should I do?

If you need any assistance in registering for a class via permission, you can contact the instructor, department, or regional campus. Additionally, you can email or call 740.593.4495.


Yes, the same steps are followed for students of any academic level.


When you request permission for a class, the overrides will be determined automatically, based on the class and your record. If a class is full, the class full override will be selected. If you do not meet the requisites, the requisite override will be selected. 基于此,您可以决定是否仍然需要请求许可或选择另一个类.

我的权限请求被批准了,但是当我试图确认我的注册时,我得到了一个错误. Why?

There are many reasons you could be getting an error. 一个被批准的申请并不能保证你在班上占有一席之地,也不能绕过所有的限制. 您可能会收到一个错误,因为在您收到权限后类已经填充, 在这种情况下,您需要找到另一个类或再次请求权限. You might also receive an error for a hold on your account, because the registration would put you over the maximum allowed hours, etc. You might need to resolve an issue (e.g., a hold) or receive additional approval to deal with this error.


如果你在秋季或春季学期休学,你将被视为“重新入学的学生”, and then decide to return to Ohio University. Taking the summer off does not make you a re-enrolling student.

如果你曾就读于bet8九州登录入口(获得成绩和/或学分),并希望返回相同的水平(i.e., 本科生转回本科生,研究生转回研究生), please complete the Re-enrollment Form for processing.  表格将由大学注册处(本科生)或研究生院(研究生)处理。.

For additional information about re-enrolling, visit our re-enrolling students web page.

如果你以前没有上过bet8九州登录入口(从未获得过成绩和/或学分), 本科生需要联系本科招生办公室, 120 Chubb Hall, 740.593.4100和研究生将需要联系研究生院,102格罗夫纳大厅,740.593.2800.

How can I view all my pending class permission for a class?

Log into the Faculty and Advising Center, click on "Class List/Grading" under the teaching tab, and filter the list to the correct class(es). For a single class, click the "Take action on pending class permission requests" icon; for multiple classes, 选择您想要查看的类旁边的复选框,然后单击页面底部的“查看所选类的权限请求”按钮.


在批准请求时,您将看到添加“类已满”覆盖的选项. As long as the class does not have a waitlist, you can do this because the class is full or you think it will be full soon.


学生应在上课截止日期前进行正式注册,以增加课程. If extenuating circumstances exist that prevented this, 学生必须联系他们的学院或地区校园学生服务办公室讨论情况.

