
Enrollment and Degree Verification FAQ

What is enrollment verification?

学生通常需要将其注册状态的官方证明发送给各种机构和组织, including insurance companies, 汽车经销商, 未来的雇主, 信用卡公司, 养老基金公司, U.S. 退伍军人事务(VA),财政援助贷款人,贷款担保人等.


What is degree verification?

学位认证信确认已授予bet8九州登录入口学位. 如果您有您的俄亥俄ID和密码,您可以使用我们的免费 在线服务 for degree verification. 有关您的俄亥俄ID和密码的更多信息可从 OIT.

bet8九州登录入口 has contracted with the National Student Clearinghouse 为人力资源界和其他需要bet8九州登录入口学位认证的人士提供电子服务. You can access the electronic services of the National Student Clearninghouse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 如果您需要帮助,请直接拨打703与国家学生信息中心联系.742.4200. Customer service hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. 到晚上7点.m.星期五上午9点.m. 至下午5时.m. ET

If you do not know your 俄亥俄州 ID and password, 你可以联系大学教务处申请学位认证信. 电话740.593.4324,传真740.593.0216,或电邮 registration@俄亥俄州.edu.


将光标放在每个选项末尾的问号上, a brief description of the letter will appear. 所有信件包括:


bet8九州登录入口代码(office, CEEB, ACT)和NCA认证


Verification date and time

A 250-character field to add additional information

大学注册's signature and University seal


Other common elements that may be included, depending on the type of letter requested: major, 学位获得, 学生站, expected graduation date, 实际毕业日期, and the beginning and end date of each term enrolled.


My health insurance company requires proof of enrollment. 保险公司提供了一份表格,必须由大学注册主任签署并加盖大学印章. Where should I send the form?

您可以从选择中打印适当的验证信, 把它附在你的表格上, and return it to your insurance company. 的 大学注册's signature, 大学印章, 而且你们保险公司要求的信息都包含在验证信里了.



Is there a verification letter for a good student discount?

Each of the following letters contains GPA information:

  • 度验证 including GPA and graduation rank

  • 注册验证包括最近计算的累计和学期GPA(仅限本科生)

  • 入学和学位证明,包括毕业GPA和毕业排名


Call the Office of the 大学注册 at 740.593.4324或电邮 registration@俄亥俄州.edu to obtain the form to update your expected graduation date.



I am a new student who has not yet registered for classes. 我如何向我的保险公司提供我的登记证明?

Once you register for classes during orientation, you may request the appropriate verification letter.

I lost my diploma and I do not want to order a transcript. 是否有其他选择来确认我的学位被授予?

A degree verification letter will reflect your degree(s), 日期(s), along with other relevant informtion about your status. 的 four variations are:

  • 度验证

  • 学位认证,包括毕业GPA和排名(排名仅在2011年春季季度之前提供)

  • Enrollment and degree verification

  • 入学和学位认证,包括毕业GPA和毕业排名(2011年春季学期开始不提供排名)


No. 为了安全起见,需要学生的身份验证. 有关您的俄亥俄ID和密码的更多信息可通过 OIT. 如果您没有俄亥俄州的ID和密码,需要一个验证信, please contact the Office of the 大学注册. 电话740.593.4324,传真740.593.0216,或电邮 registration@俄亥俄州.edu.


As long as you are registered for internship hours, Global Opportunity classes, or online classes that begin and end in a single semester, 适当的注册状态应反映在验证信上. 对独立教育和远程教育课程感兴趣的学生可以咨询 eCampus about their expected enrollment status.

How can I let my lender know that I am still a student?

bet8九州登录入口参加了全国学生交流中心, 哪些机构向贷款机构提供登记证明. 在秋季,入学数据每学期从bet8九州登录入口以电子方式传输几次到信息交换所, 春天, 和夏天.

If your lender needs a deferment form processed, 邮寄表格, 签名和日期,并填写学生信息部分, 注册处服务, 丘伯保险锁大厅, bet8九州登录入口, 雅典,俄亥俄州45701-2979, 或传真至740.593.0216. 我们将所有延期表格转发给国家学生信息中心.

如果您需要夏季学期注册的注册验证, you may print an enrollment verification letter, attach it to your deferment form, and send it directly to your lender.

关于国家学生信息中心如何帮助你的更多信息 verifying deferment status can be found on their website.

Some letters have "graduation rank" listed. 那是什么??

毕业排名是你在同一学期从bet8九州登录入口毕业的学生总数中的位置(仅限本科生)。. 例如,你的信可能会显示“GRAD RANK: 987 IN TOTAL OF 3280”.“这表明同一学期有3280名本科生毕业,而你的累积GPA排名第987.

What if none of the above is what I need?

发送电子邮件至 registration@俄亥俄州.edu or call the Office of the 大学注册 at 740.593.4324.