01.024: Classroom and Laboratory Scheduling




May 11, 2022

Initiated by:

Debra M. Benton | University Registrar 

Endorsed by:

Elizabeth Sayrs | Executive Vice President and Provost 

Approved by:

Hugh Sherman | President 

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Overview

    该政策提供了原则和程序,旨在支持安排目标,以产生学分的使用教学设施. 一般使用大学设施和安排课外使用教学设施的规定包括在政策中 01.025.

    bet8九州登录入口将按照第3313节的规范操作其教学设施.76 and 3345.021 of the Revised Code. 该大学将根据1992年董事会关于“空间利用和管理原则”的决议以及俄亥俄州高等教育部门的教学空间利用标准来管理学分生成活动的时间表. 大学将为所有学分活动提供充足和公平的教室.

  2. Classifications of instructional space

    该大学根据俄亥俄州高等教育部门对教室的定义对教学设施进行分类, class laboratories, and open laboratories.

    1. A classroom 一间教室是否用于不受房间设备或房间配置限制的特定科目或学科的教学. Such rooms include seminar, lecture, and general-purpose classrooms used primarily for non-laboratory instruction. 教室可以配备适合特定学习领域的设备, 但是,这些设备的存在并不意味着这个房间不适合用于其他研究领域.


    2. A class laboratory 一个教室是否主要用于正式或定期的课程,需要特殊的设备或配置来满足特定学科的需要. 这些特殊安排通常限制或阻止其他学科使用该房间. 这类实验的安排通常报告给注册主任,并出现在学生信息系统和课程安排中.

    3. An open laboratory 实验室是否主要用于非正式安排的个人或团体教学, unscheduled, or open. 房间的设计是为了满足特定学科或学科群体的需求, and access may be limited to specific groups of students. 课堂实验室与开放实验室的主要区别在于课程安排的正式性或规律性. Some formal scheduling may occur in an open lab, 但是,这种设施的大部分可用时间都用于非正式安排或未安排的活动.

  3. Scheduling procedures - Athens campus

    所有教室和班级实验室应按照大学注册办公室指定的协议在大学排班系统中排班. This should include non-credit activities as well as credit-bearing classes. This is necessary to ensure accurate reporting of space utilization.

    1. Scheduling of priority classrooms

      1. 根据俄亥俄州高等教育指导方针,院长对分配给其学院的教室行使优先调度权,并负责有效利用教室空间. 教务长或指定教务长将提供年度空间使用报告,以协助院长进行教室管理.

      2. After the deans have approved the initial class schedules, 教室的开放时间将由大学注册主任统一安排. See paragraph (C)(2) of this policy for protocol.

      3. 在本学期优先注册结束后,可保留教室用于对学术任务重要的非学分活动(e).g., mid-November for spring semester). If a particular classroom is critical to the success of the activity, 在学院对教室行使优先排班权期间,学院应与教务长指定人员合作,为活动的特定时间安排教室的初步预订. Every effort will be made to honor the preliminary reservation, but if the room is the only alternative for a credit-bearing class, then an alternative arrangement must be made for the non-credit bearing activity.

    2. Scheduling of central classrooms

      1. Unless otherwise approved by the provost, 大学注册办公室安排的教室可容纳99个座位或更多. 一些可容纳人数在99人以下的教室也分配给大学教务处. 分配新课室、重新分配现有课室或重新安排课室用途(例如.e., reducing classroom size, taking classroom offline, 或改变教学空间分类)由教务长自行决定, i.e., by the provost or the provost's designee.

      2. Unless otherwise approved by the provost or the provost's designee, 产生学分的课程在课堂安排上优先于非学分活动. 直接支持预定课程或支持入学活动的非学分活动比其他非学分活动和事件具有课堂调度优先权. Non-credit activities may be scheduled after priority registration. 教室可能会在学期第一天之前预留给学生组织活动.

      3. 在可行的情况下,注册主任将把课程安排在离部门或学校家很近的地方. To request a central classroom with capacity ninety-nine or more, please follow the protocol provided by the office of the university registrar.

    3. Resolution of conflicting requests

      The registrar will resolve conflicting scheduling requests (e.g., 在同一时间段内对同一空间的多个请求),根据以下指导原则, which are listed in order from highest priority to lowest:

      1. 一个班级将使用至少80%的教室容量,并且还需要设备或结构安排是独特的房间;

      2. 这门课将至少占用80%的教室容量,并且还需要考虑特定的时间空间安排来容纳实验部分, discussion sections, or other courses likely to be taken by the same students;

      3. A class that will use a minimum of eighty percent of the classroom capacity, but that does not meet either of the additional criteria in paragraph (C)(3)(a) to (C)(3)(b) of this policy;

      4. A class that does not meet any criteria in paragraph (C)(3)(a) to (C)(3)(c) of this policy, but cannot be accommodated readily in another location;

      5. For conflicts between classes of equal priority under paragraph (C)(3)(a) to (C)(3)(d) of this policy, 将注意历史入学数据和学术单位之间的交替访问.

    4. Class laboratory scheduling

      1. Class laboratories are presumptively subject to exclusive college, department, 或学校调度控制,通常不需要教务长批准这种控制.

      2. 根据俄亥俄州高等教育部门的指导方针,该大学希望有效利用班级实验室空间. 利用不足的持续模式可能需要由教务长自行决定重新分配.

    5. Open laboratory scheduling

      1. 开放实验室在其控制的学院或其他单位的政策下运作. Access policies in open labs do not require prior approval from the provost, 但是,如果机构利益需要,教务长可以对这些政策进行调解或调解.

      2. There are no formal efficiency guidelines for utilization of open laboratories.

    6. Preparation and submission of schedules

      1. 各院系将按照大学教务处指定的程序在排课系统中提交课程表. 院长将审查日程安排,并根据需要进行调整,以实现日程安排实践的一致性, best matches of enrollment demands to room capacities throughout the college, 并按照俄亥俄州高等教育部门的指导方针使用.

      2. Each college's semester class schedule (laboratories excluded) may include

        1. No more than sixty percent of its total classroom hours between nine-thirty a.m. and three p.m., Monday through Friday;

        2. No more than sixty percent of its total classroom hours offered on Monday, Wednesday, Friday; and

        3. 周二和周四的上课时间不超过总上课时间的60%.

      3. These provisions do not include special problems, independent study, tutoring sessions, arranged classes, or classes meeting in rooms designated other than classroom (i.e., it includes classes meeting in rooms designated as classrooms only). 百分之六十的检查将在院长批准最初的课程安排之后,在注册主任安排优先教室的开放时间之前完成. 超过百分之六十限制的大学课程表将被退回给相应的院长重新考虑. If, after reconsideration, a dean wishes to petition for exceptions to the standards, 院长可以向教务长或教务长指定的人提交书面的例外申请.

    7. Class meeting times

      Standard class meeting times must be followed.

      1. The standard schedule for Monday, Wednesday, Friday goes from seven-thirty a.m. to five minutes after five p.m. 

      2. The standard schedule for Tuesday, Thursday goes from eight a.m. to four-fifty p.m.

      3. There are ten minutes between classes.

      4. Fifty-five-minute classes are scheduled Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

      5. Eighty-minute classes are scheduled Tuesday, Thursday.

      6. 实验室或其他特殊类型的教学(不包括空间)有标准的开始时间,达到110分钟或更长时间, which are different than the standard starting times for classrooms. 

      7. 实验或其他特殊类型的课堂实验时间少于110分钟,如果周一上课,则应遵循55分钟的标准开始时间, Wednesday, or Friday, and the standard start times of eighty-minute classes on Tuesday or Thursday.

      8. Beginning at five minutes after three p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday classes may be fifty-five minutes, eighty minutes, one hundred ten minutes, or longer, but must begin at a standard start time (e.g., five minutes after three p.m., ten minutes after four p.m.).

      9. Beginning at three-thirty p.m. Tuesday, Thursday classes may be fifty-five minutes, eighty minutes, one hundred ten minutes, or longer but must begin at a standard start time (e.g., three-thirty p.m., five p.m.). 

      10. Beginning at five-fifteen p.m. 在少于99个座位的教室里开会可以采用任何形式.

      11. For classes meeting in classrooms with ninety-nine seats or more, scheduling priority will be given to classes that begin at six p.m. or seven-thirty p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and five p.m., six-thirty p.m., or eight p.m. on Tuesday, Thursday. 每周两个或两个以上晚上的课程将优先于每周只有一个晚上的课程.

    8. Options for scheduling classrooms

      日程安排选项是基于每周课程的接触时数(不是学分). 至少750分钟的正式教学(通常要求学生做课外作业)可获得一个学期的学分,平均时间是正式教学(1500分钟)的两倍。. 公认的是,形式化教学可以以多种方式进行. 在总共一千五百分钟的实验教学时间中,可获得一小时的学分.

      1. Three contact hours (e.g., three credit hour class, 四个学时的课程,包括一个实验)在教室里开会(如段落所述) (B)(1) of this policy).

        1. Three times fifty-five minutes (MWF)

        2. Two times eighty minutes (TTh)

        3. Two times eighty minutes (MW, MF, WF starting five minutes after three p.m. or after)

        4. 1乘以160分钟(星期一、星期三、星期五下午3点5分开始).m. or after; Tuesday, Thursday starting three-thirty p.m. or after)

      2. Two contact hours meeting in a classroom (e.g. three credit hour class including a lab)

        1. Two times fifty-five minutes (MW, MF, WF)

        2. 1乘110分钟(星期一、星期三、星期五下午3点5分开始).m. or after; Tuesday, Thursday starting three-thirty p.m. or after)

      3. One contact hour meeting in a classroom: one times fifty-five minutes (M, W, F)

      4. Four contact hours meeting in a classroom

        1. Two times one hundred ten minutes (MW, MF, WF starting five minutes after five p.m., or after; TTH starting three-thirty p.m. or after)

        2. Two times eighty minutes (TTh) plus one times fifty-five minutes (M,W,F)

        3. Two times eighty minutes (MW, MF, WF starting five minutes after three p.m. or after) plus one times fifty-five minutes (M,W,F)

        4. 3乘55分钟(MWF)加上1乘55分钟(TTh)(下午3点30分开始).m. or after)

        5. 1乘以220分钟(M, W, F)从下午三点后五分钟开始.m. or after; T,Th starting three-thirty p.m. or after) 

    9. Options for scheduling non-classroom space

      1. Two hours

        1. May be scheduled any day of the week

        2. Monday, Wednesday, Friday must start at seven-thirty a.m., nine-forty a.m., eleven-fifty a.m., two p.m., five minutes after three p.m., five-fifteen p.m.

        3. Tuesday, Thursday must start at eight a.m., ten minutes after ten a.m., twelve-thirty p.m., two-thirty p.m., three-thirty p.m., five p.m.

      2. Three hours

        1. May be scheduled any day of week

        2. Monday, Wednesday, Friday must start at seven-thirty a.m., eleven-fifty a.m., five minutes after three p.m., six-fifteen p.m.

        3. Tuesday, Thursday must start at eight a.m., twelve-thirty p.m., three-thirty p.m., six-thirty p.m.

    10. Standard start and end times

      Monday, Wednesday, Friday
      Start End
      7:30 a.m. 8:25 a.m.
      8:35 a.m. 9:30 a.m.
      9:40 a.m. 10:35 a.m.
      10:45 a.m. 11:40 a.m.
      11:50 a.m. 12:45 p.m.
      12:55 p.m. 1:50 p.m.
      2:00 p.m. 2:55 p.m.
      3:05 p.m. 4:00 p.m.
      4:10 p.m. 5:05 p.m.
      5:15 p.m. 6:10 p.m.
      *   6:00 p.m. 7:20 p.m.
      *   7:30 p.m. 8:50 p.m.
      Tuesday, Thursday
      Start End
      8:00 a.m. 9:20 a.m.
      9:30 a.m. 10:50 a.m.
      11:00 a.m. 12:20 p.m.
      12:30 p.m. 1:50 p.m.
      2:00 p.m. 3:20 p.m.
      3:30 p.m. 4:50 p.m.
      *   5:00 p.m. 6:20 p.m.
      *   6:30 p.m. 7:50 p.m.
      *   8:00 p.m. 9:20 p.m.
    12. Completion of schedules

      1. After the deans have approved the initial class schedules, 大学教务处将根据本规定处理学期计划 (C)(1) of this policy, 然后将所有剩余的课堂时空放入全校范围内的池中,以便根据需要进行额外的课堂作业.

      2. 由大学分配给座位数利用率低于67%的班级的个别班级.e. 入学限制(少于教室容量的67%)将被退回给相应的院长重新考虑,如果有更大的座位利用率的教室需求,并且有另一个教室可以容纳较小的班级. The seat utilization test will take cross listings, dual listings, and multi-section scheduling into account.

  4. Scheduling procedures – regional campuses

    所有教室和班级实验室应按照大学注册办公室指定的协议在大学排班系统中排班. This should include non-credit activities as well as credit-bearing classes. This is necessary to ensure accurate reporting of space utilization.

    1. Class meeting times

      Standard class meeting times must be followed according to the chart in paragraph (D)(2) of this policy. A non-three hour class may be scheduled by utilizing a standard start time. Evening classes must begin at five-thirty p.m. or seven p.m..

    2. Standard start and end times

      Monday, Wednesday and
      Tuesday, Thursday
      Start End
      8:00 a.m. 9:20 a.m.
      9:30 a.m. 10:50 a.m.
      11:00 a.m. 12:20 p.m.
      12:30 p.m. 1:50 p.m.
      2:00 p.m. 3:20 p.m.
      3:30 p.m. 4:50 p.m.
      5:30 p.m.  
      Start End
      8:00 a.m. 10:50 a.m.
      11:00 a.m. 1:50 p.m.
      2:00 p.m. 4:50 p.m.
      5:30 p.m.  
    4. Class meetings on Friday

      A minimum of twelve percent of course offerings must be scheduled on Fridays.

  5. Implementation and monitoring

    1. 大学注册处负责大学的日程安排代理,以执行这项政策.

    2. The deans, under oversight from the provost, are responsible for monitoring and enforcement of all provisions in this policy.

    3. Departments, schools, 地区校园应遵循大学注册办公室提供的协议,更新日程安排系统,以反映所有日程安排的变化,并确保适当的院长办公室批准任何变化.

    4. 学生注册课程后,只有在特殊情况下才允许更改课程安排. Departments, schools, 在学生入学后,地区校区应该咨询他们的院长办公室和大学注册官,修改课程安排.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. University Registrar

  2. Educational Policy and Student Affairs Committee of Faculty Senate

  3. All Academic and Regional Campus Deans

  4. University Planner and Director of Space Management