

对许多人来说,音乐是神奇的. 这是一种与灵魂对话的艺术形式, 一种自己的语言,一种医疗干预手段, 这取决于如何使用它! 如果你有音乐天赋,想在未来的职业生涯中发挥它, bet8九州登录入口的音乐学士学位是一个完美的选择.

作为一个音乐专业的学生, you’ll receive not just comprehensive musical training in your instrument of choice or 的声音, 但也包括一个全面的教育,包括主题,如音乐理论, bet8九州登录入口和历史. 从头到尾, 俄亥俄州的 undergraduate music degrees provide exciting and enriching experiences for students just like you. 继续阅读,了解以下内容:


  • B.M. 音乐作曲

    的 Bachelor of 音乐 音乐作曲 is the perfect choice for future composers and songwriters, offering students deep educational value and multiple opportunities to hear their music read, 执行, 由bet8九州登录入口音乐学院录制.

  • B.M. 音乐教育

    的 Bachelor of 音乐 音乐教育 prepares you to teach music to grades K-12 in 47 states, 包括俄亥俄州. Students can choose to receive intensive training on a chosen instrument or their 的声音, 以及强调他们在合唱或器乐方面的程度.

  • B.M. 音乐治疗

    的 Bachelor of 音乐 音乐治疗 is one of the oldest music therapy programs in the U.S. 的 music therapist degree program trains students to improve and/or restore the cognitive, 残疾人的情感或身体功能. 所有学生参加六个学期的实习前临床经验.

  • B.M. 在性能

    俄亥俄州的 音乐表演学士学位 is an applied study degree — students can choose to focus their education in performance areas like brass, 器官, 的声音, 键盘和更多. 是未来专业音乐家的理想选择.

  • B.A. 在音乐中

    音乐文学学士学位 is a broader degree for skilled musicians who want to study a well-rounded list of topics ranging from music history to music theory 和更多的. It leads to a plethora of career opportunities and graduate school programs in music, 医学, 商业或法律.

  • 音乐未成年人

    的 music minor is offered to students who wish to continue studying music while pursuing a different major. 这个学位包括音乐理论和历史 & 文学, and ensemble performance with the opportunity to choose music electives that allow each student to customize their course of study.


职业生涯 在音乐中

An undergraduate degree in music opens up a wide range of different career possibilities for your future! 

例如,我们的B.M. 音乐治疗 is an exceptional choice if you want to work in medical hospitals, 精神病院, nursing homes and other locations to help cognitively impaired people recover their abilities or manage disabilities. You’ll use the music-based experiences you learn at 俄亥俄州 to address different patients’ needs, 为他们的健康做出巨大贡献.

其他音乐学士学位可能会导致其他的职业道路. 这些包括:

  • 音乐作曲家
  • 交响乐指挥家
  • 编曲
  • 伴奏者
  • 乐队总监
  • 音乐老师
  • 艺术管理人员(如音乐会场地或音乐设施)
  • 艺术总监
  • DJ
  • 自由音乐家
  • 电影的得分手

除了这些音乐事业和机会, our 音乐文学学士学位 program is a well-rounded offering and a true liberal arts degree. 的refore, it prepares you for career flexibility in law, business and other sectors. After completing this degree, you can attend graduate school for your major of interest.


毕业后,许多俄亥俄音乐专业的学生立即进入工作场所. 这要归功于他们在项目期间的实习机会和工作经验, 俄亥俄州的毕业生经常在离开大学时找到一份或多份工作.

然而,其他毕业生继续读研. bet8九州登录入口提供音乐硕士学位, 比如音乐表演和教育学, 指挥和音乐史, 包括继续学习音乐治疗和教育等主题.


bet8九州登录入口的许多音乐系学生都渴望加入 110年游行, our 245-number marching band with a unique marching style and visually dazzling dance routines. 加入这个项目,你将在美国的重大活动中表演.S. 及以后, 比如NFL中场秀, which offer unforgettable experiences and opportunities to showcase your music skills in front of massive audiences!


  • 荣誉导师大学音乐专业

    杰出的学者音乐家可以申请 学院音乐专业荣誉导师. 在这个节目中, you’ll receive dedicated faculty lessons one-on-one and have opportunities to join new musical ensembles. It offers a comprehensive educational experience and serves as a rigorous preparation for a successful career in music, 无论你的未来会把你带到哪里.


掌握音乐的唯一途径就是表演! That’s why 俄亥俄州 music students participate in a variety of experiential learning opportunities, 包括在一个或几个不同的音乐合奏中表演.

  • 乐团

    俄亥俄州 学生加入 合奏组 基于他们的工具和学术重点,包括 交响乐, 校园乐队, 爵士乐合奏 和更多的.

  • 表演艺术系列

    俄亥俄 表演艺术系列 includes staged concerts and entertainment events at the local Templeton-Blackburn Memorial Auditorium; students can attend and sometimes participate.

  • 现场音乐活动

    音乐 students often perform at concerts and symphony performances for fellow students and the broader 雅典 community.

  • 音乐实习

    俄亥俄州的 staff and success advisors help music majors find internships to bolster their resumes by working with local music groups and businesses.

  • 音乐治疗实践经历

    音乐治疗专业的学生必须完成校内音乐治疗临床体验, 此外,还可以参加30个合作培训实习地点的校外临床培训.

为什么 选择音乐学位?

为什么选择音乐学位? 无论你住在哪里,做什么,音乐都很重要. 它是一种强大的文化力量,能激发情感,这是其他任何艺术形式都无法比拟的. 在俄亥俄, 我们相信那些有才能的人去创造, teach or use music can improve the world and contribute to their culture in a variety of different ways.

You might consider choosing a bachelor’s degree in music from bet8九州登录入口 if you want to enrich the world around you or bring joy to others. 音乐也是一种表达自我的有效而愉快的方式. Attending one of these degree programs empowers you to connect with your inner feelings and share them with others in what may be the most universally recognized language.


bet8九州登录入口’s music majors always find themselves supported from day one of their journeys. 特定的和全校范围的资源总是可用的,例如 艺术表演科学与健康诊所(SHAPe诊所),音乐专业的学生和教职员工可以免费使用.

此外, you’ll find that the 32 full-time faculty members at the 音乐学院 are experienced and dedicated to your success. 的y’re residential teachers — so they’re always available if you need assistance — and can direct you to further means to maximize your musical potential, 就像专业的 音乐舞蹈图书馆.

别忘了奖学金,包括 智力奖学金 音乐专业新生. All in all, 俄亥俄州 music students find ways to thrive within our undergraduate programs.


的 音乐学院 at bet8九州登录入口 is among the top 20 percent of music education institutions in the U.S. 当你参加这些本科课程的时候, you’ll have an academically satisfying and spiritually invigorating experience thanks to the quality of our educational offerings and the support of our teachers.

不像其他音乐学位课程, 你将开始学习bet8九州登录入口, music-related skills and putting them into practice from your first year instead of your junior year. 到你毕业的时候, 你会感到自信,准备好给听众带来惊喜和快乐, 不管他们是音乐治疗的病人, 音乐会的观众或未来的医学院学生!