The Great Comet is performed on the bet8九州登录入口 stage.
Top-Ranked Programs and Successful 校友

美术学院 快速的事实

Preparing students for lifelong careers as makers, creators and leaders is what we do in the 美术学院. We applaud our alumni who become the artists and performers they dreamed about being. We thank our faculty who lead award-winning programs. And we welcome the next class of students, full of ideas and driven by passion to succeed. 

You'll find our 美术 grads making, creating and leading across the spectrum of careers — including consulting businesses, 社区中心, 医院, 宗教组织, 公园系统, 市长的办公室, 神经科学实验室, 科技公司, 老年活动中心, veterans facilities … and the list goes on. 



  • 70% of alumni report that they are employed in the field for which they studied.
  • 92% of alumni report that their 俄亥俄州 美术学院 education prepared them for success in the 21st century.
  • Nearly 100% placement out of college for music education, music therapy, and interior architecture.
  • A substantial number of fine arts graduates now work in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary ways. This means recent grads are now injecting their finely honed creativity, 研究, and applied knowledge in a variety of fields.

美术学院 设施

From individual studio space to esteemed performance venues, the college offers the facilities students need to thrive.



    The top-ranked ceramics program provides students access to 3 indoor and 11 outdoor kilns and 20-plus potter's wheels, + 25美元,000 in raw material inventory, a glaze spraying booth and glaze room. 



    Seigfred Hall dedicates the entire second floor to the arts of printmaking and photography, where you'll find everything from old-school hand rollers to the latest computer facilities. 


    Sculpture + Expanded Practice

    The Sculpture + Expanded Practice Area is housed in a 5,900-square-foot building with everything from hoists and cranes to metal-working equipment and a modern two-furnace foundry.



    Interior architecture students can take advantage of dedicated workstations for each major, as well as critique and presentation spaces, 计算机编程, 手工具, 和更多的.



    Our students are always on stage — from a 265-seat proscenium theater to a 275-seat venue that can transform from a thrust stage to an arena to a black box theater.  



    The 肯尼迪艺术博物馆 enhances the intellectual and cultural life of bet8九州登录入口 and the region through quality national and international exhibitions and collection-based 研究.