


Below is the current list of student employment opportunities on the 赞斯维尔 campus. If you are a current student 和 wish to apply, please download the 这里的bet8九州登录入口. For faculty 和 departments who want to hire a student, please download the 这里的招聘请求. Further instructions are noted on the application 和 hiring request form.



资格: Employability as determined by bet8九州登录入口 Policy 和 Procedure. 人际沟通技巧. 注重细节. 良好的技术素养.

职责: 接电话, 在他们有专业知识的地方解决问题, seek assistance in areas where they do not have expertise, 在Footprints中输入工作订单, 清洁设备, 给打印机填满纸张, assist patrons with software questions 和 工作人员 open computer lab when no full-time IT 工作人员 are available, 天天p类 & 测试.


资格: Employability as determined by bet8九州登录入口 Policy 和 Procedure. 科技文化. 优秀的人际沟通能力.

职责: Operate touchpad or web interface to control in-room technology including cameras, 麦克风, PC, 和文档摄像机.

提供技术上的故障排除. Disseminate 和 collect paperwork associated with the class. OULN operators must operate under a confidentiality agreement 和 must be dependable.


资格: 必须具备较强的沟通能力, 优秀的口头表达和客户服务能力, 基本的计算机技能, 熟悉办公室电话. Must be professional, punctual, reliable 和 able to work with minimal supervision. Ability to maintain confidentiality is essential in this position.

职责: Provide part-time shared clerical assistance to the Dean’s office 和 the Budget office (8 hrs. 每周). 职责包括:, 打字, 复制, 扫描和传真文件, 合并的信件, 信封及标签, 创建电子表格, 邀请函及活动手册. 接电话s 和 assist with walk-in traffic including students, 工作人员, 教职员工和社区成员. 根据需要协助校园活动和其他项目.


资格: 必须具备良好的沟通能力, 遵循口头指示, 性格开朗, 操作电脑和办公设备. 必须符合联邦工作学习的资格.

职责: 接听多条电话, 接待并引导来访者, 分类和分发邮件, 通过在线系统处理工单, 将违章停车/罚单录入数据库, 更新货车使用表格, 在电子表格中输入发票, 处理从个人卫生分配器收到的钱, 在电子表格上更新和记录申请单, 在公告栏上发布公开招聘职位, 收集供应申请单并发给相关人员, 准备并发送活动确认函和发票, 一般的文件, 制作事件和一般办公文件, 处理员工休假请求.


资格: 必须是bet8九州登录入口赞斯维尔分校的全日制学生, 必须具备良好的沟通能力, 必须能够遵循口头指示, must be able to work in hot/dusty outside environment (work day can involve hours in a squatting or bent over physical position), 一定能举起35磅吧. 必须符合联邦工作学习的资格.

职责: Students perform general grounds maintenance tasks throughout the 赞斯维尔 campus including, 但不限于, 以下是:操作一个杂草吞食器, 进行岛屿割草, 人行道边缘和杂草清除, 杂草景观床和树木基础区域, 覆盖物, 化学药剂喷洒杂草, 给罗格馆周围的树木浇水, 还有合成网站, 协助合成场地和芯片材料, 垃圾收集, 涂料项目, 包括路缘标志, 清洁工具槽,固定工具, 打扫商店. 偶尔抬起或使用梯子.


资格: 必须是bet8九州登录入口赞斯维尔分校的全日制学生, 必须具备良好的沟通能力, 必须能够遵循口头指示, must be able to work in hot/dusty outside environment (work day can involve hours in a squatting or bent over physical position), 一定能举起35磅吧. 必须符合联邦工作学习的资格.

职责: Sweeps, mops, strips, waxes, polishes 和 renews floor surfaces. 清洁和清洗地毯和地毯. Washes walls, cleans, dusts 和 waxes furniture 和 fixtures. 清洁玻璃和镜子. 清理和清空垃圾箱. 清除人行道和入口区域的冰雪. 清洁和消毒浴室设备 & 饮用喷泉. 其他适当分配的工作.


资格: Courteous, punctual 和 customer service oriented student who is responsible 和 reliable. 能够在没有监督的情况下工作. 具备良好的沟通能力. 需要Word和Excel.

职责: 回答总机, 直接电话和非预约客户, 申请, 复制, 学费集合, 记录订单, assist front office; 招生 和 registration, 填补复印机和故障排除复印机, 其他分配的工作.


资格: Prior completion of science courses (Biological Sciences, 化学, 物理)及相关实验成绩达到B或以上.

责任为实验或项目准备材料, 实验室清洁, 协助学生进行实验, 其他分配的工作.


资格: Customer service-oriented with an ability to interact with a variety of people who have various needs. 自我激励. 具备时间管理和计划能力. 可靠,注重团队. Knowledge of general office 和 基本的计算机技能 (including Microsoft Office Suite). Some knowledge of Internet searching skills preferred, not required. 有理财技能者优先,但非必需.

职责: 帮助图书馆用户, 包括bet8九州登录入口赞斯维尔分校的用户, 赞恩州立大学, 以及更广泛的社区. 工作人员ing/serving as point of contact at the Circulation desk. Checking materials in/out, shelving books, processing materials. Keeping assigned shelves, public areas, circulation desk, 和 related work areas organized 和 clean. Trouble-shooting equipment/hardware 和 assisting library users with computer software-related issues. Performing general office tasks (数据输入, 申请, 和 verification of holdings, etc.)使用收银机和处理现金. 其他分配的工作.


资格: 必须精通电话礼仪, 多任务处理能力, 良好的组织能力, 需要使用Word和Excel的经验. 能够在没有监督的情况下工作. 由于利益冲突,不能成为护理专业的学生.

职责: Front desk receptionist; answer telephone 和 walk-in inquiries. 协助学生解决护理部门的基本问题. 处理邮件并准备新文件. 协助学生教师评估. 能够在不同文化和背景下工作. 整体办公室工作.


资格: 优秀的写作和沟通能力, 摄影的知识, 熟悉桌面出版设计原则, 电话技巧, 数据输入, 和 familiarity with Adobe Creative Suite 和 Microsoft Office software.

职责: Draft press releases; maintain 新闻 Bulletin Board 和 Binder; design advertisements 和 fliers; photograph school events; organize/maintain 申请 system; draft letters to 工作人员, vendors 和 service providers; assist with promotional events; design Recognition Night Power Point presentation.


资格: Must be well organized 和 have great attention to detail; must also be friendly 和 able to multi-task. Preference may be given to students who have successfully completed UC 1000 at OUZ.

职责: Greet students 和 families both in person 和 on the phone; answer basic questions about the admissions process at OUZ as well as our academic offerings; schedule appointments for personnel in the department; complete basic 数据输入 of applications 和 prospect inquiry cards; print 和 prepare for mailing daily recruitment letters; create admissions files; utilize OnBase, which includes preparing admission files to be scanned into the system; utilize the university CRM 和 answer basic questions; work during various 学生服务 functions, 包括提供校园参观.


资格: 能够同时处理多项任务并注意细节. 保密. 能够友好地欢迎学生. Answer 和 respond to phone calls 和 respond to a diversity of questions.

职责: 文书及接待工作. 在测试中心设置和管理测试. 预约测试和管理人员. 维护测试中心的安全.


资格: 这门课必须得A吗 教员推荐信. 有沟通和鼓励失意学生的能力.

职责: Tutor subjects to students seeking assistance for academics. Make appointments, answer phone calls, minimal clerical duties.


资格: UC1000 Mentors are usually selected by the instructor based on recommendations of faculty. These students usually are involved 和 engaged on campus. They demonstrate the ability to connect with other students 和 provide a good example for negotiating through the transition to college. These students must be eligible to be a student employee 和 enrolled at bet8九州登录入口赞斯维尔分校.

职责: UC1000 Mentors are responsible for developing a relationship with students in the course in order to provide student to student advice on the transition to college 和 how to become engaged in the college environment. Mentors may occasionally be asked to present information regarding their experience, 有效的学习技巧, 注册流程, 并协助评分和出勤. Mentors that have formed relationships with the students in class may identify a student in crisis 和 should share that information with the instructor to develop a plan of action to assist this student.