
大学车辆购置 & 处理过程

大学车辆购置 & 处理过程

The following outline provides the best practice considerations for bet8九州登录入口 departments engaging in vehicle acquisition, 使用, and disposition support activities in alignment with university policy 47.001 (安全、采购、运行、维护 & 大学车辆的处置). This guidance relates to university owned motor vehicles, 重型设备, 公共汽车, 船, 高尔夫球车, 低速车辆和拖车. 


收购任何新产品, 使用, 捐赠, or leased motor vehicle requires approval of the authorizing department's vice president, 院长(与教务长合作), or CFAO and the Director of VPFA Auxiliary Services, 运输 & 停车服务. Departments shall not commit to buying a vehicle before a 车辆购置表格 has been completed and all established approvals are in place. 

bet8九州登录入口 Departments must utilize 运输 & 停车服务 (TPS) as a resource for vehicle specification review in advance of a new or 使用 vehicle purchase. TPS will ensure that standard vehicle safety features align with university operating requirements and provide maintenance considerations or vehicle up fitting guidance as appropriate. 

The following acquisition guidelines shall be adhered to when engaging in an RFP process or purchase for a new, 使用, 或租赁车辆资产:

  1. Purchasing department must include vehicle specification sheets, 销售单据, and the 车辆购置表格 in BobcatBUY when generating a PO request as a part of the RFP process. If the vehicle purchase is not coordinated with Procurement through an RFP process the purchasing department should notify TPS that a PO for acquisition of a vehicle has been created with accompanying documents.
  2. Vendor must submit all forms/documents required for purchase and delivery to TPS 审查. 形式 must be submitted at minimum 3 business days in advance of delivery/检查, preference is to have vendors provide forms as a part of the RFP process.
    1. There are certain vehicle purchase provisions and document considerations that bet8九州登录入口 cannot legally agree to, advanced review of documents allows time for necessary revisions and feedback to be provided to vendor. 
  3. Vendor will deliver vehicles to TPS (工厂街100号reet) for 检查 prior to 文书工作完成. Date/time of delivery must occur between 8AM - 3PM Monday-Friday and be coordinated with TPS in advance. The purchasing department must arrange to have a contact present at time of vehicle and delivery & 检查.
  4. TPS will notify purchasing department of vehicle release date following 检查, 文书工作完成, 以及任何必要的加工活动. Used vehicles will be required to undergo an annual vehicle safety 检查 before being released to the department. TPS will coordinate all titling, registration, and licensing activities. 
    1. Vehicles must be titled to bet8九州登录入口- personal names or departments cannot be included on title.
  5. Upon notification by TPS of vehicle acceptance/检查, the purchasing department is responsible for submitting signed 销售单据 to Accounts Payable for Vendor Payment (bet8九州登录入口 operates on net 30 payment unless specified otherwise in vendor contract/agreement).

车辆安全、操作 & 维护

  1. 大学政策 47.001 provides additional guidance on vehicle safety and operational considerations. Departments are encouraged to review this policy and share with any staff who manage or utilize university vehicle assets.
  2. Preventative maintenance is a crucial component of maintaining a well outfitted vehicle, 安全检查应每年完成一次, and departments should coordinate routine and unscheduled maintenance needs with the bet8九州登录入口 Vehicle 维护 Center operated by TPS as appropriate. Regional camp使用s may utilize local maintenance and 检查 services with prior approval from TPS.
  3. All fueling needs should also be coordinated through the TPS office.


  1. A university vehicle is identified for disposition based on one of the following criteria.
    1. The assigned university department has decided that the vehicle is no longer needed based on operational need, 金融, 或者其他考虑.
    2. The vehicle failed an annual safety 检查 at which time the items identified as deficient are not repairable and pose a safety risk.
  2. The assigned university department will remove all personal items from the vehicle and turn it into the TPS office. All sets of keys, green gas key fob, and Voyager cards should be surrendered at this time as well. 
  3. TPS will complete the EI-8 Equipment Status Change form and submit this to 移动 & 盈余以及库存办公室. 
  4. TPS will submit the following information to 移动 & 剩余:
    1. 车辆的标题
    2. Paper copy of the EI-8 Equipment Status Change Form
    3. 所有的车钥匙
    4. A written summary indicating any known vehicle deficiencies, 当前里程, 文, 一年, 使, 模型, Color, 车辆联系, 以及相应的销售收入账号. 
    5. TPS will remove any decals or identifying markings from the vehicle, the license plate and any other specialized equipment the department request be kept (i.e. OUPD专用设备等.)
    6. TPS会把车送到搬家公司 & 所有准备工作完成后剩余.
    7. 移动 & Surplus completes accounting correction/billing/deposit of sales revenue on qualifying purchases to the assigned department.