

All faculty and staff hiring at bet8九州登录入口 follows a similar process designed to promote collaboration, 合规, 一致性, 积极的招聘, 以及多样性的最佳实践, 访问, 和包容. 为 full details regarding recruitment and selection of faculty and staff, please refer to 政策40.121 以及伴随的 招聘指引[PDF]. 有关教师任命的详细信息,请参阅 教师手册.

一般流程步骤概述如下. 单击任何步骤都将展开以显示其他信息. 为 a detailed technical guide regarding use of the University's applicant tracking system, PeopleAdmin, 请参阅我们的 如何聘用[PDF].

If you are interested in learning more about 俄亥俄州 遴选委员会 Training or best practices surrounding search committees, 职位描述, 招聘计划, 候选人的评估, 候选人的选择, 请参阅我们的 搜索培训和工具网站.


当招聘经理需要填补空缺或新职位时, 我们鼓励他们在整个过程中联系他们的人力资源联络员以获得支持. 招聘经理必须获得适当的部门, 规划单元, 和学校批准所有人力资源相关的行动.  The 人力资源联络 can help the manager navigate all university and 规划单元 specific related processes.

  • 新员工职位, a Position Description should be completed and evaluated by compensation before the hiring process begins. 
  • 现有员工职位, Position Descriptions should be updated and evaluated by compensation if the Position Description on file is more than 3 years old or if there have been changes made to the position.
  • 教师的职位, hiring managers/search chairs should inquire with their college regarding specific requirements for developing 职位描述 for faculty roles.
  • 所有其他职位, hiring managers/search chairs should consult with departmental or 规划单元 leadership to gain the necessary approvals to fill the position.

在完全启动任何搜索之前, 委员会主席, 行政支持, and/or department head will meet with the 人力资源联络 to develop and/or review a recruitment and selection plan. 

The hiring manager/search chair should contact the Liaison to arrange a meeting (this meeting can take place in-person, 通过电话, 或视频会议). 本届会议将审查和发展下列组成部分:


  • 招聘启事: the 人力资源联络 will review and offer suggestions on structure of the job posting including use of inclusive and well-rounded language to attract a diverse pool of qualified applicants.

  • 遴选委员会: The 人力资源联络 can help you determine whether a search committee should be utilized for the search and help provide counsel regarding composition of the search committee in terms of including members with diverse perspectives, 与招聘委员会成员设定期望, 确定委员会的培训需求.

  • 招聘计划: The 人力资源联络 will review required recruitment activities and can help you select recruitment steps that are effective and efficient in terms of time and money. 您的人力资源联络员也可以在此时处理任何放弃张贴的请求.

  • 评价方法: The 人力资源联络 will review your methods of evaluation and/or can help you decide what type of methods you can use (phone interviews, 模拟演示, 写作样本, 面对面访谈). 除了, 人力资源联络 can review and/or provide tools you will utilize to evaluate and rank applicants (rubrics).

  • 物流问题: The 人力资源联络 can also coach you through logistical issues such as managing the search through PeopleAdmin, 处理住宿要求, 安排面试, 等.  The 人力资源联络 can provide guidance regarding the timeline for your search to help you stay on track and manage expectations of both search committee members and applicants.


当你准备好开始你的搜索过程, 部门招聘经理必须在人事管理中提交一份申请. 要登录PeopleAdmin,请访问 www.俄亥俄州universityjobs.com/hr. The requisition will house all information about the position and search including position details, 估计费用, 招聘信息, 和更多的. 有关张贴内容的协助,请参阅 如何聘用[PDF]. 关于职位描述的最佳实践也在 俄亥俄州搜索委员会培训:为搜索做准备.


一旦招聘经理在人事管理中完成了申请的草稿, 它必须遵循审批程序. 一般来说, 招聘经理首先会将申请发给部门审核,n to the Planning Unit head and the executive review committee for approval before being posted by 大学人力资源.


Once a requisition has been fully approved in PeopleAdmin, it will be posted to OhioUniversityJobs.网址:UHR. All classified positions are posted by the HR Service Center while the Liaison team handles all other postings. 一般而言,人权高专办亦会在下列网站刊登招聘职位:

  • Twitter和LinkedIn
  • 俄亥俄州意味着就业(包括俄亥俄州的残疾人)
  • 西弗吉尼亚州
  • 肯塔基州的劳动力
  • Higheredjobs.com
  • Diversityjobs.com
  • 高等教育招聘协会
  • 南部地区教育委员会(只有当博士学位.D. 是必需的)

Departments are responsible for all other recruitment efforts including both passive advertisements and 积极的招聘 steps agreed upon in the pre-search consultation. 如需更多指引,请参阅 俄亥俄州搜索委员会培训:为搜索做准备, 教职员招聘及甄选指引[PDF],或联络 人力资源联络.


一旦平仓, 但在入围名单提交审批之前, 部门或遴选委员会将负责对所有申请人进行预筛选. 为 additional technical information and quick tips from Equity and Civil Rights Compliance, 请参阅 如何聘用[PDF]. 有关筛选候选人的最佳做法,请参加 俄亥俄州搜索委员会培训:候选人评估和选择.


一旦确定了入围名单, hiring manager will work with the search committee to complete the “Pre-interview Candidate Selection 为m” in PeopleAdmin, 更新申请人工作流状态, 并将面试池提交学校人力资源部审批.


Once a finalist has been selected, a verbal offer may be extended and salary may be negotiated. Please note: salary offers outside of 补偿’s pre-approved range must be submitted to 补偿 prior to the verbal offer.

如果受要约人接受, hiring authority should verbally gather date of birth and social security number (both of which will be used in the next step). 请注意:由于此信息的敏感性, 不应要求或通过电子邮件发送.


在口头报价被延长并接受之后, 招聘经理将在PeopleAdmin中完成招聘建议. 就像申请一样, 一旦完成了招聘表格草稿, 它必须提交给规划单位,然后提交给世界卫生组织批准和处理.

所有招聘建议均由人力资源服务中心处理. 此处理将提示创建员工记录. 为 staff positions, HR Service Center will also send an official offer letter at this point. 对于教师职位,正式的录取通知书由学院发出.


一旦所有其他步骤完成,正式报价被接受, hiring manager should update finalists’ workflow states in PeopleAdmin and move the requisition to “filled.”


A waiver of posting or an abbreviated posting period may be desired in certain circumstances such as an internal promotion or an unexpected and immediate business need. Please note: federal law requires that all non-executive positions lasting longer than three days be posted publicly unless they are to be filled by internal candidates.

如需豁免,请联系您的人力资源联络员. 有关详情,请参阅 教职员招聘及甄选指引[PDF].


随着时间的推移,当部门有固定的职位空缺时, a pool posting that remains available to applicants throughout a given period of time (typically, 不超过一学年). This allows departments to regularly recruit for the position so that they may quickly move forward with hiring when and if a position becomes available. 创建池的详细说明请参见 如何聘用(PDF). 有关此过程和潜在用途的更多信息,请联系您的 人力资源联络.


请参阅 如何聘用[PDF] 寻求以下帮助:登录, 电子邮件通知, 查看旧帖子, 访问您的帖子, 申请人跟踪vs. 职位管理模块,访客用户,并按申请人搜索.


有关临时人员选择的信息,请访问PeopleAdmin, 俄亥俄州准备工作人员, 第三方合同, 请参阅 临时招聘选择网站.