
毕业 Check Sheets



毕业 Requirements: In order to be granted graduation clearance 的 following is 的 student’s responsibility.

  • 你的平均绩点必须达到3分.0或以上
  • If a course is being counted toward degree hour requirements  must have a grade or CR recorded.
  • 你的dar will assist you in completing 的 graduation check sheet.

毕业 Check Sheet Instructions:

  • 你需要 附加毕业CheckSheet to submit 的 online form.  The check sheet should list all of 的 courses that you have taken that meet your degree requirements. Be sure that you list courses by requirement, not by semester. Total hours must be at least 48 (30 for War 和 Peace).
  • Your forms must be turned in by 的 end of week 10 of 的 semester you intend to graduate (that is six weeks before finals week). Without your check sheet we can not confer your degree.
    • If you are graduating in 的 summer, you should turn in your forms by 的 beginning of 的 second to last week of classes for 的 full summer term (four weeks before Fall semester starts).
  • 一旦收到, we will go over your check sheet 和 your student file to make sure that everything is in order. Please check your catmail frequently for messages from us. If you need to turn in a form or if we have questions we will email you. It is vitally important that you answer those emails in order to receive your degree.
  • If you have any questions about 的 process, email 国际.studies@俄亥俄州.edu.

毕业 Check Sheets:

非洲研究 毕业 Form非洲研究 毕业 Check Sheet

亚洲研究 毕业 Form亚洲研究 毕业 Check Sheet 

Latin American Studies 毕业 FormLatin American Studies 毕业 Check Sheet

Communication 和 Development Studies 毕业 FormCommunication 和 Development Studies 毕业 Check Sheet   

International Development Studies 毕业 FormInternational Development Studies 毕业 Check Sheet

战争与和平研究 毕业 Form战争与和平研究 毕业 Check Sheet

实习: 学生 completing an internship must have 的 internship packet forms completed, signed 和 on file to receive credit. If you registered for INST 6910 an internship experience paper must be submitted following 的 internship guidelines. 5 hours can be counted toward degree requirements.

Service Learning Project: ComDev students must document a successful experience to 的 Program Director. The student requests 的 supervisor of 的 project to send an email or letter stating such to 的 Program Director. A grade is given once this documentation has been received.

顶石要求: 学生 must successfully complete one of 的 three options:

  1. Final Comprehensive Written Exam

    Comprehensive exams are taken in 的 student's last semester. Please contact your program director to schedule your exam. Latin American Studies students who sit for 的 written exam will also have an oral presentation.

  2. 专业项目

    学生 will submit a final copy of 的 project. Attach 的 Project Evaluation form with appropriate signatures to 的 front. Also save a copy 和 submit along with 的 final product. The final project is due 的 10th week of 的 semester.

  3. 论文

学生 will need to submit 的 following:

  • Arrangements for 论文 Oral Defense
  • Report of Oral 论文 Defense with appropriate signatures
  • Evaluation 形式 signed by 的 committee 和 Program Director
  • Submit 的 electronic 的sis to 的 ETD Office in conjunction with 的ir deadlines.

You cannot be cleared for graduation without 的 above forms completed 和 in your file.

If you have any questions as to whe的r you will be cleared for graduation, please check with your Program Director.