护理 students during practical class instruction
Bachelor of Science in 护理 (BSN) Degree

服务,解决 & Succeed with a 护理 Degree from bet8九州登录入口

护理 is a noble profession – 和 it’s more vital than ever! As America’s population gets older, the need for skilled nurses will surely increase, 和 there’s always work to be done aiding patients in need. If you’ve felt a calling to help 和 heal, bet8九州登录入口的护理学位是获得临床经验和准备注册护士执照考试的最佳途径.

There are lots of reasons to study for a nursing degree at bet8九州登录入口, like our 2023 NCLEX-RN first-time pass rate of 98.49%, which is well above the national average.


  • Traditional Bachelor of Science in 护理

    俄亥俄州传统的四年制护理学学士(BSN)课程是获得护理证书的综合途径. It combines on-campus classroom lectures, 实验室活动, 临床经验, 护理模拟.

  • 在线RN-to-BSN

    如果你已经拥有注册护士执照,bet8九州登录入口的100%在线注册护士到bsn课程可以在一年内完成. 护理 classes are five weeks long, with eight different start dates, perfect for working nurses who need maximum schedule flexibility.


  • 雅典,俄亥俄州,住宿校园

    除了最先进的护理学习设施和优秀的学生通过率, bet8九州登录入口提供独特的校园和大学体验以及全面的学生生活. Ranked the best college town in Ohio, the 雅典的校园 拥有田园诗般的环境,该地区提供了大量的文化和户外娱乐活动.



  • 俄亥俄州在线

    已经获得注册护士执照的护士可以参加我们100%的在线注册护士到bsn课程,而不必踏进教室. Many nursing prerequisite classes are available online, as well.


  • 在地区校园

    在你工作和生活的地方附近参加俄亥俄州地区校园的BSN课程. Clinical experiences can be done at local clinics or medical facilities, 你的老师会帮助你找到合适的地方来磨练你的知识和与病人相关的技能.






Named a best nursing RN to BSN program in the country 通过U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道

  • Our RN to BSN has been named a best nursing BSN program in the country 通过U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道.
  • 俄亥俄州的护理学院受到高度重视,并被Niche选为俄亥俄州最好的护理学校.
  • 我们的在线RN到BSN在公立学校中排名第一,在全国排名第二 由allnurses.
bet8九州登录入口的护理学士学位课程获得了美国护士协会的认证 Commission on Collegiate 护理 Education.
Ranked best college 2023 by Niche
Best 护理 Program 2024 通过US 新闻


护理 is already an incredibly important career, 和 it’s set to become even more vital in the years to come. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Employment Projections 2021-2031, the registered nurse workforce should grow by 6% by 2031, meaning the United States will need approximately 200,000 new nurses sooner rather than later.

In addition to working as a nurse in a hospital or other medical clinic, some of the possible nursing jobs you might hold include:

  • 公共卫生护士
  • 临终关怀护士
  • 护士经理
  • 学校护士
  • 旅行护士
  • 护士教育工作者
  • 家庭执业护士

大多数bet8九州登录入口的护理学位毕业生在毕业前就有了就业机会. It’s all thanks to the industry-relevant experience you’ll accumulate, 以及你将从教师那里得到的课堂教学的质量.

传统BSN students in clinical training

Post-grad Opportunities for 护理 专业

获得护理学学士学位的学生可以通过研究生学位或证书来提升他们的职业前景. We encourage all our students to have a goal of lifelong learning, as nursing is an ever-evolving science. 我们让您方便地通过在线研究生证书和学位在俄亥俄州继续您的护理学习. 

bet8九州登录入口 offers a 100% online Master of 护理 (MSN) program that can prepare you for a specialized nursing career, 如 caring for patients as a family nurse practitioner, 精神科心理健康执业护士或成人老年急症护理执业护士. Or you might pursue a career as a nurse executive or nurse educator. 俄亥俄州也有5个 online Post-Graduate 护理 Certificates.

对高级临床实践或行政领导感兴趣的护士也可以攻读一个 护理实践博士 (DNP),俄亥俄州也在网上提供.

Get 实践经验 with Your 护理 Degree

我们的护理课程为学生提供了重要的体验式学习机会. What you learn in the class is also valuable 和 applicable in the field, so you’ll get experiences in the clinic 和 in the community.

  • 完成本科研究

    所有护理学位的学生都必须参加循证实践项目. 每位老年人被分配到医院与一名护士长一起工作168小时(约一周). 导师是经验丰富的有执照的临床医生,帮助学生将课堂学习转化为临床实践.

  • Participate in 社区参与 Opportunities

    Along with blood drives 和 charitable fundraising, 所有获得护理学位的学生都必须参加社区课程,在当地学校学习实践经验, 家庭健康机构, 以及当地医院, 如 全国儿童医院.

  • Take Advantage of Leadership 和 Networking Opportunities

    我们的护理学位学生参与校园活动,并有机会通过a提供的活动与同龄人互动和合作 variety of BSN student organizations 在每个校园和少数民族学前学生协会(MAPS). 俄亥俄州也有一个分会 Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of 护理.

  • Learn What You Need for the NCLEX-RN

    参加BSN课程的学生将完成所有课程和临床小时要求,为NCLEX-RN考试做准备. 事实上, by the conclusion of your program, 你已经打卡过1点了,500小时的联合课堂, 实验室, 临床学时-足够为您提供在任何专业环境中取得成功所需的信心和能力!

  • Practice in the 俄亥俄州 护理 仿真实验室

    bet8九州登录入口护理专业的学生可以在模拟实验室中测试他们的技能和实践基本的课堂知识. These come with state-of-the-art equipment, 如 biomedical equipment 和 human patient simulators. By the time you arrive in a clinical setting, 你应该已经熟悉了为病人提供合格护理所需的许多工具和技术.


你可能想要追求BSN学位成为一名护士的原因有很多. 也许你一直对医学很感兴趣,想把这种兴趣和工作保障结合起来. Or perhaps you want to make the world a better place, one patient at a time. 作为一名护士,每次轮班都是一个帮助或治疗的机会,这种方式很难在其他职业中复制, 不管你是在医院工作, 私人诊所, 或其他地方.

护士拯救和改善生命. 这是许多学生希望从他们的职业生涯中得到的积极的不同, even if the work can sometimes be taxing. 然而,正确的教育不仅能让你为这个职业所特有的挑战做好准备. 俄亥俄州的重点是 从实践经验中学习 临床指导确保你确切地知道该做什么以及如何提供帮助, 无论情况如何.


Student Support 资源 for 护理 专业

bet8九州登录入口为我们所有的学生提供了一个强大的支持网络,包括我们的学生 护理程序. 例如, 所有护理学位的学生都将收到一份定制的毕业计划,以帮助保持按时毕业的可靠步伐. Students can also take advantage of the Center for Advising, Career, 和 Experiential Learning for academic planning or research assistance.

与此同时,大学的教员 College of Health Sciences 和 Professions护理学院 are committed to providing one-on-one mentorship 和 other support as needed. Studying nursing at bet8九州登录入口 is a lot like joining a family for life. 无论你是作为注册护士加入还是从零开始你的护理之旅, your professors will be with you every step of the way. 我们的教师与学生的比例是1:18,所以你永远不会感到迷失在同龄人的人群中.

The 俄亥俄州 Experience for 护理 专业

bet8九州登录入口护理专业的学生将在大一开始学习该项目的先决条件, including one introductory nursing course. Once admitted to the nursing major, 学生将接触到为专业能力而设计的课程和临床经验. 

Since practical experience is important to future nurses, 俄亥俄州’s dedication to 从实践经验中学习 is even more valuable. Clinical practice experiences are a core part of your curriculum. It’s a fast-paced, intense major. But it’s perfect to prepare you for the bustling pace of nursing life!

到你毕业的时候, 你会对自己和自己的能力充满信心,为你负责的人提供关键的医疗服务. 有了我们的课程,无论你选择在哪里工作,你都可以帮助和治愈.

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