An instructor stands at the front of the class explaining a topic to students.


bet8九州登录入口 is committed to excellence in teaching through evidence-based, 包容 pedagogies that foster the intellectual and personal development of students. The 教、学、评中心 (CTLA) supports the operationalization of teaching excellence through programs and services.


bet8九州登录入口 defines teaching excellence as outstanding performance in the role of an educator inside and outside the classroom setting. 另外, bet8九州登录入口 defines excellent teachers as prepared, 订婚了, 包容 subject matter and pedagogical experts who prioritize student achievement of learning.

Approved by the bet8九州登录入口 教师 Senate in December 2022, this definition allows academic units to flexibly consider teaching excellence based on disciplinary 预期, 专业知识, 服务的背景和学生群体 and acknowledges variations among disciplines and considering teaching 上下文, 期望和/或任务.

The CTLA focuses on six descriptors that serve as the underlying framework for recognizing and celebrating teaching excellence. bet8九州登录入口的优秀教学是:

  • 精心设计的
  • 良好的
  • 包容
  • learner-focused
  • 反光
  • 不断发展的


The six descriptors of excellent teaching at 俄亥俄州 are put into action using eight criteria. Instructors develop, maintain and refine each over time and throughout the course of a career.

  • 准备


  • 订婚

    The ability to deliver content and manage the student learning process.

  • 包容

    The ability to serve the learning needs of all students

  • 学科专业知识

    The ability to maintain and/or develop expert subject knowledge

  • 教学能力

    The ability to maintain and/or develop timely knowledge and skills in the theories and practice of teaching and learning

  • 结果

    The ability to achieve desired teaching results

  • 改进


  • 适应性 & 创新

    The ability to navigate the 不断发展的 nature of teaching.


While there are many ways to demonstrate teaching excellence, the CTLA has outlined eight criteria or characteristics for how teaching excellence shows up in 俄亥俄州's classrooms and learning 上下文s.

The weight given to each criterion may vary by discipline, 上下文, 预期, stage of faculty/curriculum development and/or teaching assignments. Academic units are encouraged to refine each criterion based on disciplinary 预期, 专业知识, 服务的背景和学生群体.


An educator’s efforts to plan 教学 such as effectively:

  • 学习教学工具、技术或方法
  • 学习理论驱动的教学实践
  • 创造学习成果
  • 创建教学大纲会议部门, 学校, college and/or University standards for compliance, 内容和严谨性
  • Designing course(s) including schedule, organization and content
  • Developing content, structures, activities, 等.
  • Preparing to adjust teaching/learning as needed


An educator’s teaching process such as effectively:

  • 提供课程和内容
  • Integrating high-impact experiences such as active learning, 从实践经验中学习, 服务学习, 等.
  • 与学习者交流
  • 使灵活性适应学习者的需要
  • 实现点对点教学
  • 发展/促进社区参与
  • Advising/mentoring students inside and outside the classroom


An educator’s ability to serve the needs of all students such as effectively:

  • Creating a welcoming, productive class environment
  • 提供多种学习方式
  • 为所有学习者提供支持
  • 整合不同的例子
  • 限制有偏见的语言
  • Promoting respectful and empathetic interactions among students and between the student and educator


An educator’s subject knowledge such as successfully:

  • Publishing subject-related peer-reviewed research, case studies, chapters/texts, essays, blogs, 等.
  • Training or professional development in subject-related field
  • Having current knowledge about the latest research in the subject-related field
  • Achieving or maintaining professional certifications
  • Subject-related awards, honors, grants or recognition


An educator’s pedagogical knowledge such as successfully:

  • Publishing teaching-related peer-reviewed research, case studies, chapters/texts, essays, blogs, 等.
  • 展示与教学相关的研究、见解
  • 指导同行
  • Participating and sharing knowledge as a peer reviewer of teaching
  • Earning teaching awards from department, college, university or external organizations
  • 创建教学理念或作品集
  • Being recognized in a published article, podcast, blog, 等. 教学
  • Teaching-related awards, honors, grants or recognition


An educator’s ability to achieve desired results such as effectively:

  • Assessing student achievement of learning outcomes
  • 达到预期的课程学习成果
  • 达到预期的课程成果(例如.g., retention rates, DFW rates, preparation for subsequent courses, instructor evaluation ratings, 等.)
  • Achieving a desired level of student engagement metrics (e.g.、参与、使用材料等.)
  • 为预期的项目成果做出贡献(例如.g., learning outcomes, licensure rates, placement, reported curiosity, continued learning, 等.)
  • 减少机会或成就差距


An educator’s efforts to develop or innovate teaching such as successfully:

  • Using outcome data, peer evaluations, student evaluations, 等. to revise curriculum, courses, modules, and/or lessons
  • Innovating teaching practices through experimentation
  • Reflecting on teaching, learning, and/or assessment
  • Demonstrating improvements in the quality of instruction
  • 与同行合作
  • Participating in teaching-related conferences, workshops, training, 等.


俄亥俄州 annually recognizes instructors who reflect teaching excellence through several formal awards administered by CTLA and the Office of the Vice President and Provost.
