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Physics professor Dr. Hee-Jong Seo, portrait
由物理学教授徐熙钟(Hee-Jong Seo)领导的国际研究小组以前所未有的精度追踪了110亿年宇宙历史上遗留下来的宇宙声音的涟漪.

Physics & Astronomy Department

Ranked Among the Best Global Universities for Physics

Ohio University is ranked among the Best Global Universities by U.S. News & World Report, with its physics program among the best in the world. Students explore yesterday, 从今天到明天,寻找对自然世界更深入的理解——从暗物质的奥秘到尽可能小的机器, 从生命的复杂性到大自然最强大的力量. 

Learn Why Physics & Astronomy Ranks!

The Physics & 天文系提供物理学和天体物理学五个不同的学士学位课程, including four B.S. degrees and one B.A. major. The department’s graduate programs include a Ph.D. in Physics as well as two master’s degrees.

Prepare for careers in high tech, industry, research

bet8九州登录入口学习物理和天文学的学生可以获得在科学和技术领域取得成功所需的经验, business and industry, 政府和公共事务,甚至未来还不存在的职业.

Physics & Astronomy Careers & Internships >

Amorphous graphite illustration


他的突破性研究创造了世界上第一个单原子的x射线, Dr. Saw-Wai Hla has been named a finalist in the prestigious Falling Walls Science Breakthrough of the Year award.


Read more about his work: 科学家在《bet8网页登录》杂志上报道了世界上第一次单个原子的x射线.

Dr. Saw-Wai Hla

Physics & Astronomy Events

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Tuesday, July 16 Summer 2024 Public Telescope Nights 9:30 PM — 11:00 PM Ohio University Observatory
Tuesday, August 13 Spring 2024 Public Telescope Nights 9:00 PM — 11:00 PM Ohio University Observatory

Why OHIO's Physics & Astronomy Program is Among the Best in the World 

World-Class Research

The Physics & bet8九州登录入口天文学系为研究生和本科生提供了参与从核天体物理学到量子材料等领域的世界级研究的机会.

Physics & Astronomy faculty have built a solid research infrastructure 多年来,在外部机构的大力支持下,平均为3美元.6M per year.


Research Experiences for Undergraduates

The department also offers great experiential learning opportunities and internships 供物理学学士学位课程的学生进行研究, 90%的物理学本科学生在毕业前至少在老师的实验室做过一次研究实习——在普通课程之外.

More than 100 Years of Physics Graduate Degrees

The Physics & Astronomy Department awarded its first M.S. in physics degree in 1912 and its first Ph.D. degree in 1963. 该计划保持一个动态的研究生物理计划, 提供强调几个不同研究领域的学位:天体物理学, Biological Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and Surface Science, Nanoscience, and Nuclear and Particle Physics.

Degrees offered include an M.A. in Physics, an M.S. in Physics, and a Ph.D. in Physics. 我们在研究生阶段的主要目标是在高级物理和天文学方面提供广泛而优秀的教育, 是什么让我们的毕业生在接下来的职业生涯中具备解决开放性问题的工具, 为他们提供本学科最先进的技术和方法方面的培训, 并为他们在大学教授物理和天文学做准备.

Financial Support for Graduate Students

在过去的七年中,研究生的平均入学人数约为70人. All our Ph.D. 学生有助学金和学费减免吗 在他们的第五年,通常有大约30名学生在前一两年得到助教奖学金的支持, 而其余的则由教师补助金和奖学金提供研究助理奖学金.

Successful Alumni

Over the years our 校友们在学术界、工业界和政府部门都取得了成功我们不断努力现代化,以适应我们的学生和学科的需要. 我们的研究生课程通过提供高质量和独特的研究生教育,进一步推动了bet8九州登录入口的目标, 与全国著名的研究工作密切相关.

Ground- and Space-Based Astrophysics Observations

我们的天体物理学教师的观测工作包括在广泛的波长范围内对天文物体进行地面和太空观测, 詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜上的活跃项目, Hubble Space Telescope, Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission, Chandra and XMM X-ray Observatories, and the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory.

bet8九州登录入口是基特峰MDM观测站的合作伙伴, Arizona, 保证在北美最好的天文地点之一使用研究质量的望远镜.

Edwards Accelerator Lab

The department maintains a 4.5MV高强度范德格拉夫加速器在校园 Edwards Accelerator Lab, 这是美国境内用于低能核物理和材料科学实验的独特且高产的设施. 它经常吸引其他大学和国家实验室的用户.

Internationally Renowned Faculty

Physics & 天文学教师在他们的专业领域内享有很高的声誉, 获得了许多奖项和认可,包括被任命为美国物理学会会员, 获得美国国家科学基金会和能源部早期职业奖, and with a faculty, Madappa Prakash, receiving the American Physical Society Hans A. Bethe Prize in 2021.