
获得数学学位 & 学习通用的数学语言

如果宇宙有一种基本语言,那就是数学. 数学不仅描述了构成我们世界的结构和空间, 它也是构成科学的复杂算法的基础, 工程, 金融甚至人工智能都是可能的. 与一个 bet8九州登录入口数学学位, you’ll be qualified to work in sectors from 教育 to 工程 and beyond.

数学 tutoring, support resources, and multiple degree choices empower math majors at bet8九州登录入口 要赚得多才多艺, always-valuable bachelor’s degrees and acquire practical experience before entering the job market.


  • 数学B.S.

    bet8九州登录入口's Bachelor of Science in 数学 is a terrific choice for future researchers, 教育工作者, 还有更多. 它注重严谨和实用的数学训练, 有可能与另一个科学专业相结合, 技术, 和/或工程.


  • 数学B.A.

    俄亥俄州的B.A. 数学是一个以数学为重点的文科学位, offering a well-rounded and comprehensive 教育 that can prepare you for professional careers and graduate school alike. It’s the recommended choice for students interested in math who also want to take additional courses in interdisciplinary topics or work in a variety of different fields over their careers.


  • bet8九州登录入口数学B.S.

    bet8九州登录入口数学 program at bet8九州登录入口 teaches you how to apply mathematical concepts and systems to practical fields and uses. 各种选修课程,比如化学, 生物学, and 工程 enable you to tailor this degree according to your interests or future career prospects.


  • 数理统计B.S.

    的 数理统计 program prioritizes 统计数据 courses and analysis techniques. 学生了解统计学的基础和bet8九州登录入口, 因此,它是追求高薪工作的理想选择, 政府, 教育, 工业部门.


  • 精算学B.S.

    精算科学课程 数学学位是未来精算师的首选吗, 提供丰富的商业相关课程选择. Actuarial science majors will be ready to pass their first actuarial exams before they graduate, 同时为金融服务业的工作做好实际准备, 保险, 运输, 以及其他行业.



  • 雅典,俄亥俄州,住宿校园

    俄亥俄州的数学专业学生将在我们的 雅典住宿校园. 这是学习的好地方, 交朋友, 在需要的时候与教授进行一对一的指导. It’s also the hub of 俄亥俄州’s various math clubs and student organizations, 哪些是发掘你未来职业潜力的好方法.

  • 地区校园

    Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in mathematics at bet8九州登录入口 can take prerequisite or general 教育 classes at our regional campuses. 然而, 无论你决定走哪条路, 你需要转到雅典去完成你的数学课程.


    东部 Campus>






Students studying mathematics at 俄亥俄州 get the experience they need to succeed in careers in science and 技术, 商业与工业, 教育 and public affairs—and even careers of the future that don't exist yet.


Learn how to apply the language of the universe to help solve 21st century problems, 从疾病传播到洗钱. 利用生物统计学来解决气候问题. 谷歌使用的探测概率算法. 发现如何管理风险.



想知道拥有数学学位能找到什么工作? 拥有bet8九州登录入口数学学位, 你会有比你想象中更多的职业选择! 你可能从事的数学工作包括:

  • 统计学家
  • 数学家
  • 数学老师
  • 会计
  • 金融分析师
  • 经济学家
  • 工程师
  • 计算机程序员
  • 译解密码者
  • 数据分析师
  • 市场研究

俄亥俄州's math programs are designed so that you can take electives or a dual major in your field of choice. 整体, a mathematics degree is a stellar choice for students who want to keep their professional options open!



毕业后, math majors at bet8九州登录入口 can directly apply to grad school programs, 包括我们 数学Ph值.D. or 数学米.S. Either of these could prepare you for higher-paying positions in 教育, 行业, 和更多的 – and you'll get to continue benefitting from the resources and clubs at the 雅典 campus all the while.

然而, many of our math majors pursue graduate degrees in other majors after earning their bachelor’s in math. 金融学研究生学位, 统计数据, 和更多的 could be available to you depending on the prerequisite classes you’ve taken. You can speak to your advisor before your senior year to plan out your grad school path.

当然, you’ll also be prepared to jump right into the job market with a bet8九州登录入口数学学位. 因为数学是一门普遍适用的学科, 你可以在各种不同的行业找工作!

更多关于职业 & 实习为研究生院做准备


数学学位能把你带向何方? 无论你走到哪里


  • Created a map of racial and ethnic minority population density in Ohio and taught 数学 Circles in area schools.
  • 因为编写了一种新的编程语言而获得了德国富布赖特奖.
  • Joined an interdisciplinary research group using mathematical modeling to study biological systems.
  • 在KeyBank实习, 国家州际保险, 以及沃伊诺维奇领导与公共服务学院.
  • 连接ed with alumni who are fighting money laundering for Discover Financial Services, 在伊利保险公司管理数据分析, 在阿肯色州教数学.
参见College of Arts & 理科校友变革者.


Our math programs provide important 从实践经验中学习 opportunities for students. 你在课堂上学到的东西也很有价值,适用于这个领域, 所以你会有机会参与研究项目, 加入俱乐部, 和更多的.

  • 通过实习获得经验

    While math majors at bet8九州登录入口 aren’t required to complete an internship, many students nonetheless pursue internship opportunities to boost their resumes and practice using math for work. 俄亥俄州的数学职业和实习页面 能帮你在雅典或其他地方找到新的实习机会吗.

  • 从事本科研究

    本科 research provides ample opportunities to use your math skills to do good for the world, 帮助公司, 尝试不同的职业道路. 你的成功顾问和 教员 能帮你找到合适的研究项目吗.

  • 参加帕克城数学学院

    学生可以申请 帕克城数学研究所, where math majors can study mathematics over a three-week residential summer session in Park City, 犹他州. 它包括在实验数学实验室的时间, an in-depth and engaging experience for math majors who love immersing themselves in mathematics.

  • 和志同道合的学生一起计算数字

    俄亥俄州 supports various math-related student organizations and clubs, like the bet8九州登录入口数学社团, 数学女性协会,还有 美国数学学会分会. 这些组织都是交朋友的好地方, 分享你对数学的热爱, 体验独特的事件.

  • 参加与数学有关的活动

    bet8九州登录入口期间, 学生可以探索数学bet8九州登录入口, 研究进展, 还有更多的活动贯穿全年. 查看学校的活动页面 来跟踪即将发生的事情!


为什么要学数学?? 数学无处不在. 作为世界通用语言, 许多不同的行业都需要它, 从工程到计算机科学. 这绝不是一项不适合市场的技能, 数学是全球雇主所需要的, and companies love to hire mathematicians due to their versatile analytical skills.

简单地说, 拥有数学学士学位, you’ll be equipped to work in many different fields and professions depending on the electives you take, 你获得的经验, 以及你将来想要获得的证书. 事实上, 有数学学位, 你会为各种各样的挑战做好准备, 无论你想去哪里,都是令人兴奋的职业.

与此形成鲜明对比的是, a more-focused degree narrows your professional possibilities to one type of option, 但是一个数学学位留下了成长的空间, 改变, 把你的事业发展到一个完全不同的方向.

当然, some of our students pursue mathematics degrees because they love the subject! 通用语言中有一种内在的美和艺术, 你可以在bet8九州登录入口深入研究.


俄亥俄州 supports our math majors 和其他 students by providing them with a variety of resources, like dedicated success advisors in the 文理学院 本科建议 and 学生事务 and faculty support. 的re are math tutoring labs 和其他 tutoring resources you can take advantage of, 同样,没有一个数学学生掉队. When you study at bet8九州登录入口, we do our utmost to ensure you graduate on time.


bet8九州登录入口数学专业的学生在课堂上学习, but they also have multiple opportunities to put their skills into practice through internships, 本科研究, 和其他 从实践经验中学习. It forms the core of the 俄亥俄州 experience for every major, including mathematics!

This 从实践经验中学习 is a major boost to your career and your understanding of the subject.  你会知道如何在你未来的职业中使用数学, 无论是作为老师, 分析师, 或者别的什么. Using math is the best way to master it – and you’ll feel like a mathematics master by the time you graduate!

课程 & 资源
