



退课的定义是在课程/学期的最早开课日期当天或之后退课. This means all regular bet8九州登录入口 classes for which you are registered, 无论是在一个校区还是多个校区. 你必须去你所在学院或地区校园学生服务办公室的学生服务办公室启动取款流程.

添加、删除和撤回的截止日期在 校历.  找到具体的截止日期, 比如最后一天放弃或者最后一天退出, click on the calendar icon in your weekly schedule in My俄亥俄州学生中心.  请 note:  these dates can vary on a class-by-class basis depending on the class start date and end date.

如果你正在接受经济援助, 你的注册状态的改变或你从大学退学可能会导致你不得不偿还你从经济援助中获得的计划. 除了, you may owe 费用 to the university after funds are returned to the financial aid programs.




被大学正式取消, 在第一天上课前放弃所有课程, 学生有权享受100%的学费减免. 在学期第一天到学期第二周的星期五之间,学生可以获得80%的学费减免. There is no reduction of tuition and 费用 for withdrawals after the Friday of the second week of the semester. 添加、删除和撤回的截止日期在 校历.

降低注册费 - Flexibly Scheduled Classes (Classes offered in 模块)

Flexibly scheduled classes are classes that do not meet for the full session/semester. 因此, 最后一天添加, 下降, or withdraw from classes might be different from the dates listed in the 校历. 可以查看添加、删除和撤回的截止日期 课程 or by clicking the calendar icon in your weekly schedule in My俄亥俄州学生中心.


如果你停止就读大学,没有正式退学, 这被认为是一次非正式的撤军. The date of withdrawal will be the last date of academic participation. 如果最后出席日期不知道, 以学期中点为退课日期.  学费不会减免.



如果你停止就读大学,没有正式退学, 它被认为是一个非官方的退出,并将受到上述退出政策和政策的经济援助资格. 退选日期为最后一次参加学术活动的日期. 如果最后出席日期不知道, 以学期中点为退课日期.  学费没有调整.

联邦援助(标题IV) -标题IV资金的返还(R2T4)

联邦法律规定了学校必须如何确定你从学校退学后获得的第四章项目援助金额. The Title IV programs that are covered by this law are: 联邦佩尔助学金s, 伊拉克和阿富汗服务补助金, 教授予, 联邦直接贷款, 联邦直接附加贷款, 联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOGs).


  1. 如果学生在预定完成的天数或时间内完成了所有毕业要求,则不视为退学.
  2. 在以模块形式提供的程序中, a student is not considered to have withdrawn if the student successfully completes (grade of A, B, C, D)——
    1. One module that includes 49 percent or more of the number of days in the payment period, excluding scheduled breaks of five or more consecutive days and all days between modules;
    2. 一个模块的组合,当组合在一起时,包含49%或更多的付款天数, excluding scheduled breaks of five or more consecutive days and all days between modules; or
    3. Coursework equal to or greater than the coursework of a half-time student (undergraduate-6 credit hours, 研究生(5学时)为缴费期;
  3. For a payment period or period of enrollment in which courses in the program are offered in modules –
    1. A student is not considered to have withdrawn if the institution obtains written confirmation from the student at the time that would have been a withdrawal of the date that he or she will attend a module that begins later in the same payment period or period of enrollment; and
    2. That module begins no later than 45 calendar days after the end of the module the student ceased attending.
    3. Students will receive an email request to confirm enrollment in future modules in the same semester.


虽然你的援助会在每个学期开始时记入你的账户, 当你完成这段时间时,你就可以赚取资金. 如果您在付款期间取款, 到那时为止,你已经获得的第四章计划援助的金额由一个特定的公式决定. 如果你收到的资助(或你的学校或家长代表你收到的资助)少于你挣的钱, 你可能会收到额外的资金. 如果你得到的帮助比你得到的多, 多余的资金必须由学校和/或你退还.

The amount of assistance that you have earned is determined on a pro rata basis. 例如, 如果你完成了30%的付款期或注册期, you earn 30% of the assistance you were originally scheduled to receive. Once you have completed more than 60% of the payment period or period of enrollment, you earn all the assistance that you were scheduled to receive for that period. 

获得援助的百分比是用完成的天数(分子)除以支付期间的天数(分母)计算的。.  连续少于五天的计划休息, 包括那些发生在模块之间的, 是否包括在期间的总天数内, and breaks longer than five days within or between modules are subtracted. 例如, the payment period for fall semester is 106 days (111 days less 5 days for Thanksgiving break).  如果你在学期开始的第15天退学,你就赚了14天.联邦援助的1%(15天/106天= 14天).1%)


如果你注册的一门或几门课程少于一整个学期的长度,你就被注册为模块. A module is any class that does not span the full length of the semester.  这些课程也被称为弹性课程.

对于模块注册,R2T4计算的付款期总天数(分母)仅包括学生参加该模块的天数,或者该模块中学生的课程用于确定学生在付款期有资格获得第四章资金的金额. Title IV (R2T4)-模块的归还[PDF] 包括附加信息和示例. 

联络我们的办事处 if you have any questions or to request an R2T4 review specific to your circumstances.


如果不是所有的资金,你赚已经支付, 您可能需要支付提款后的费用.  如果您的提款后支出包括贷款资金, 你的学校必须得到你的许可才能发放. You may choose to decline some or all of the loan funds so that you don’t incur additional debt. 你的学校可能会自动使用你的全部或部分助学金资金的提取后支付学费, 费用, 食宿费用(与学校签订合同). The school needs your permission to use the post-withdrawal grant disbursement for all other school charges. If you do not give your permission (some schools ask for this when you enroll), 你会得到资金的. 然而, it may be in your best interest to allow the school to keep the funds to reduce your debt at the school.

有一些标题IV基金,你计划收到,不能支付给你,一旦你退出,因为其他资格要求. 例如, 如果你是第一次, 本科一年级学生,并且在退课前未完成课程的前30天, 您将不会收到任何直接贷款资金,如果您继续注册超过30天,您将收到任何直接贷款资金. 


如果你收到(或你的学校或家长代表你收到)额外的第四章计划资金,必须退还, 你的学校必须返还一部分,等于你的机构费用中较小者乘以你资金中未赚的百分比, 或者是所有多余的资金.  The school must return this amount even if it didn’t keep this amount of your Title IV program funds. 如果你的学校不需要退还所有多余的资金, 您必须退还剩余的金额.

如果确定第四章资金需要返还, by Federal Law they will be returned in the following order: Unsubsidized 联邦直接贷款, 联邦直接补贴贷款, 联邦直接附加贷款, 联邦佩尔助学金, 伊拉克和阿富汗服务补助金, 联邦SEOG, 及TEACH补助金.  未获得的第四章资金必须在学校确定学生退出之日起不迟于45天内退还给第四章项目. 申请完成后,学生将收到邮件通知.  If the R2T4 calculation results in a credit balance on the student account, 退款将尽快处理,不迟于R2T4计算完成后14天.

任何贷款资金,你必须归还, you (or your parent for a Direct PLUS Loan) repay in accordance with the terms of the promissory note. That is, you make scheduled payments to the holder of the loan over a period of time.

Any amount of unearned grant funds that you must return is called an overpayment. 你必须偿还的奖助金多付的最高金额是你已收到或计划收到的奖助金的一半. You do not have to repay a grant overpayment if the original amount of the overpayment is $50 or less. You must make arrangements with your school or the Department of Education to return the unearned grant funds.

当你退学时,对第四章项目资金的要求与bet8九州登录入口可能有的任何退款政策是分开的. 因此, you may still owe funds to the school to cover unpaid institutional charges.  bet8九州登录入口 may also charge you for any Title IV program funds that the school was required to return.


如果你停止就读大学,没有正式退学, 这被认为是一次非正式的撤军 and will be subject to the above withdrawal policies. The date of withdrawal will be the last date of academic participation. 如果最后出席日期不知道, 学期的中点将作为第四章基金返还计算的提取日期.  如果你这学期没有出勤, 所有第四章助学金将返还给相应的项目.


如果你对你的第四章项目资金有疑问, you can call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4-FEDAID (1-800-433-3243). TTY用户可拨打1-800-730-8913. 信息也可以在联邦学生援助网站上找到.


如果您正式退出,通过最后一天收到部分费用调整,注册费为完全退出, 80%的奖助金将退还给适当的计划.  After the last day to receive a partial fee adjustment for complete withdrawal, 100%的助学金将留在你的学生账户上.


如果您正式退出,通过最后一天收到部分费用调整,注册费为完全退出, 奖学金将退还给相应的项目.  After the last day to receive a partial fee adjustment for complete withdrawal, 奖学金将留在你的学生账户上.


Financial aid consisting of College of Osteopathic Medicine Scholarships, 贫困学生贷款, 或初级保健贷款受大学特殊政策的约束. For official withdrawal during the first 15 calendar days of the semester, 100% of 奖学金将退还给相应的项目. 在学期的前15个日历日之后的退学, 100%的奖学金资金将留在你的学生账户上.


军事学费援助(TA)是在学生将在获得援助期间上学的前提下授予给学生的.  If a student withdraws, the student may not be eligible for the full amount of TA funds awarded.

获得的援助数额是按比例确定的. 例如, 如果你完成了30%的付款期或注册期, you earn 30% of the assistance you were originally scheduled to receive. Once you have completed more than 60% of the payment period or period of enrollment, you earn all the assistance that you were scheduled to receive for that period.


Number of days completed/Total days of the course (start to end date) = Percent of TA earned

指学生正式退出某门课程, 退课日期将作为最后一次出勤日期. 如果学生停止上课(非正式退学), the last date of attendance will be determined by the last date of participation within the course.

TA的调整可能会导致未付学费余额. 支付未付学费是学生的责任.