





Nicolette Dioguardi | Associate 法律事务总监




罗德里克J. 麦克戴维斯|总统

  1. 目的

    bet8九州登录入口 expects all of its employees, 教师, 管理员, 分类, and bargaining unit members to be honest and ethical in their conduct, 遵守适用的政府法律, 政策, 法规, 公平对待其他员工, 学生, 客户, 志愿者, 以及商业伙伴, and protect and ensure the proper use of university assets.

  2. 计划

    Subsection III, below, provides definitions of terms used in subsections I and II.

    1. 揭秘

      bet8九州登录入口鼓励教师, 工作人员, and 学生 to make "good faith" disclosures of university-related misconduct. Internal and external reporting opportunities are available to all employees and 学生, 如《 政策及程序 下面的部分,.

      Anyone who files a Whistle-blower report or complaint recklessly or with a willing disregard for the facts, so that the report or complaint is found to be lacking in "good faith,可能会受到纪律处分.

    2. 报复

      No member of the university community may retaliate against a Whistle-blower with the intent or effect of adversely affecting the terms or conditions of employment or enrollment. Anyone who violates this anti-retaliation policy is subject to disciplinary action.

      The university will make every reasonable effort to stop retaliation immediately, to conduct a complete and through investigation of alleged acts of retaliation in a timely manner, to provide remedies to victims of retaliation, and to sanction the perpetrators of retaliation as appropriate.

      Whistle-blowers who believe that they have been retaliated against by a university employee should contact the Office of Legal Affairs, and may file a written complaint with the Office of Legal Affairs.

    3. 定义

      "Good Faith Disclosure" means disclosure of university-related misconduct made with a belief in the truth of the disclosure that a reasonable person in the whistle-blower's situation could have believed based upon the facts. A disclosure is not 真诚地 if made with reckless disregard for -- or willful ignorance of -- facts that would disprove the disclosure.

      "University-related misconduct" includes any activity by a university department or by an employee that is undertaken in the performance of the employee's official duties, whether or not such action is within the scope of the individual's employment, and that is a violation of any state or federal law or regulation or university regulation or policy, 包括腐败, 贿赂, 盗窃大学财物, 欺诈性索赔, 欺诈, 强迫, 大学资产转换, 歧视, 性骚扰, 以及对公民权利的侵犯.

      "揭秘" means good faith reporting of real or perceived University-related misconduct.

      “举报人”指任何访客, 学生, 教师, 或者其他员工, 真诚地, reports real or perceived University-related misconduct.

      "报复" means any adverse action or creditable threat of an adverse action taken by the University, 或其成员, in response to a Whistle-blower's good faith disclosure of university-related misconduct.

  1. 政策和程序

    1. 内部报告途径

      Internal avenues for reports and complaints include the following:

      1. Reports on alleged misconduct toward employees and 学生 that is harassing or discriminatory in nature can be made to the Office of Institutional Equity.

      2. Complaints on any matter that alleges a violation of federal law, 州法律, 政府规定, or Ohio 大学政策 can be made to the Office of Legal Affairs.

      3. Reports or complaints about inappropriate workplace behavior, 工作行为, or violence related to the workplace can be made to Human 资源.

      4. 有关财政事宜的投诉, 欺诈, 利益冲突, or other concerns about the 管理不善 of University 资源 can be made to the Office of Audit, 风险, 和遵从性.

      5. Allegations of criminal conduct that occurs within the geographic jurisdiction of bet8九州登录入口 should be made to the bet8九州登录入口 Police Department.

      6. Complaints about 学生-to-学生 misconduct or alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct should be made to University Judiciaries.

      7. Ethics Point is an anonymous, free, 24 hour, 365 day a year electronic and phone reporting service. Ethics Point will accept complaints and reports of misuse, 管理不善, 虐待, or 利益冲突 concerning any matter related to or affecting the administration of bet8九州登录入口 and treatment of its assets, 资源, 或人.

    2. 外部报告途径

      External avenues for reports and complaints include the following:

      1. 俄亥俄州伦理委员会

      2. 俄亥俄州监察长

      3. 俄亥俄州民权委员会

      4. The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

      5. 美国劳工部

      6. The United States Department of Education

      7. 美国国立卫生研究院

      8. 国家科学基金会

      9. The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association)

    3. 政策和程序的相互参照

      The following policy and procedure statements should be consulted as appropriate:

      1. 政策及程序 03.003, "Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance"

      2. 政策及程序 03.004,“骚扰”

      3. 政策及程序 19.048, "Fraud and Misconduct in Professional Research"

      4. 政策及程序 19.058, "Conflict of Interest in Research, Educational, and Public Service Activities"

      5. 政策及程序 19.059, "Employee Participation in Authorized Private Companies Commercializing Research"

      6. 政策及程序 41.135《官方网站》

      7. 政策及程序 55.002、《bet8网页登录》

      8. 政策及程序 55.074、“采购卡”

      9. 政策及程序 55.075“手机”


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. 总统

  2. 教务长

  3. 内阁官员

  4. 内部审计署署长

  5. 法律事务总监

  6. 政策及程序检讨委员会

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