

bet8九州登录入口财政援助和奖学金办公室 提供有关财政援助提供给俄亥俄学生的信息. 而 兰开斯特大学财政援助办公室 可以回答你的问题并帮助你获得经济援助吗, your 金融援助 Offer will be processed by staff on our bet8九州登录入口 雅典 campus. 请到兰开斯特校园经济援助办公室或联系 bet8九州登录入口财政援助和奖学金办公室 了解更多信息.

  • 区域优势

    A set of renewable scholarships designed to ensure that an extraordinary 俄亥俄州 教育 is within reach, the program recognizes exemplary academic achievement within our regional communities with awards for fall 2024 incoming full-time freshmen.

  • 俄亥俄州地区承诺

    This renewable award will cover the full cost of tuition and mandatory fees to attend an bet8九州登录入口 regional campus for fall 2024 incoming full-time, 符合佩尔资格的新生,至少3分.0 high school GPA whose FAFSA is received by the deadline 至少延期到4月15日, 2024.

  • 4年,1年低价

    的 俄亥俄州的保证 means students attending bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 will pay a single fixed rate that covers tuition and most fees for four years. 在2023-2024年间, new Ohio residents who enroll full-time through one of 俄亥俄州’s regional campuses will pay $3,每学期089.





    的 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the only application for all forms of federal, 国家和机构财政援助. 学生必须每年完成FAFSA. 考虑提供各种形式的援助, 在俄亥俄州的第一优先日期前提交, 至少延期到4月15日, 2024!

  • 援助的种类

    说到支付学费,你并不孤单. 经济援助有很多来源. Grants, scholarships, work-study and low-interest loans help make college more affordable.

  • 提供援助

    经济援助为学生提供费用信息, 提供的经济援助的类型和数额, 以及必要的行动项目. Students are encouraged to also view this information on their My俄亥俄州学生中心.


Funds for academically talented and creatively gifted students are offered by bet8九州登录入口 through a variety of scholarships. Your application for admission to bet8九州登录入口 serves as your application for most University scholarships. Upperclass students who submit the online scholarship application are also considered for most upperclass scholarships.

  • 2024年秋季新生奖学金: 的 俄亥俄州 区域优势奖励计划 recognizes the exemplary academic achievement within our regional communities. First-year students who are new to an 俄亥俄州 University regional campus in fall 2024 as full-time, 攻读学位的学生有资格获得奖学金 区域优势奖励计划.
  • 继续进修学生奖学金:所有在校生均需填写 网上奖学金申请. 2024-25奖学金申请将于2023年11月1日开始. Students must apply no later than February 1, 2024, to receive first-priority consideration. 获得奖学金的学生将在3月份收到通知.
  • 网上搜索奖学金
  • 申请 非大学奖学金机会

俄亥俄州的兰开斯特 赋予 奖学金

保罗·贝德 & 露丝·巴德奖学金

Fulltime students enrolled in or accepted for admission to bet8九州登录入口 or bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校; preference given to students enrolled at 俄亥俄州的兰开斯特. Students 必须 graduates of Liberty Union High School in Baltimore, Ohio, with minimum GPA of 2.5、有经济需要.


Degree-seeking undergraduate enrolled in or accepted for admission to bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus; preference given to students with financial need based on the Federal 金融援助 Standards, 由大学的财政援助办公室决定; a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 and/or ranked in the top 50 percent of high school year class; preference given to students enrolled in second year of coursework who demonstrate academic potential and progress.


Students who attend bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus as an undergraduate; students who graduated from high school in 兰开斯特, OH, 或居住在兰开斯特学区范围内的学生. 这包括私立学校, 家学校, or students with GED diplomas; students must have two strong recommendations from a high school teacher, 普通教育文凭讲师, 指导顾问, 学校行政人员, 或者一个社区, church or government leader; students who demonstrate financial need based on federal financial aid standards, as determined by the University financial aid office; preference will be given to students who are first-generation college students; preference will be given to students who demonstrate service to the community in which they live; preference will be given to students who are working to pay a portion of their 教育.

Dr. 詹姆斯·布莱恩特国际奖学金

Preference will be given to international students who attend bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus.­ Students pursuing academic opportunities overseas may also apply for this award.­


Students enrolled at bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus with above-average scholastic standing; full or part-time undergraduate students; maintain a grade point average of 3.0.


Students who attend bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus as an undergraduate; students from Fairfield and 雅典 counties pursuing an undergraduate degree in business 或相关领域; priority will be given to applicants seeking a bachelor's degree, but associate degree applicants are considered; applicants must have a 2.平均成绩为5分,被考虑为该奖项.


有资格获得这项奖学金的学生是成绩为3分的高年级学生.3 cumulative GPA who have completed at least 30 semester hours; Transfer students are eligible but 必须 enrolled at least one semester prior to receiving the award and have earned a minimum of 12 hours with a 3.3 average; Students 必须 registered as a full-time student on the 兰开斯特大学 to remain eligible for the award.


Fulltime students enrolled in or accepted for admission to the University; be enrolled in or accepted for admission to bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校. 学生必须证明有经济需要 and demonstrated academic merit.


This scholarship is awarded to graduates of 兰开斯特 High School attending bet8九州登录入口 (雅典 or 兰开斯特). 要求:必须有证明的经济需求.


Full-time or part-time degree seeking undergraduate enrolled in or accepted for admission to bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus; students who demonstrate financial need based on federal financial aid standards, 由大学的财政援助办公室决定; recipients 必须 pursuing a degree in business, 金融, 会计或相关领域.

苏西L. 盖革纪念奖学金

Students who are enrolled full- or part-time at bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus; preference will be given to students who exhibit financial need; preference will be given to students who are working to pay for his/her 教育al expenses. 要求:必须是商业管理技术专业.


Students who are enrolled full- or part-time at bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus; recipients of this scholarship must have attended Fairfield Union High School and maintained a 2.平均成绩5分. 要求:必须有证明的经济需求.


Students who are enrolled full- or part-time at bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus; students must have completed at least four accounting technology courses.

米尔德里德L. 赫兹伯格奖学金

Fulltime students enrolled in or accepted for admission to bet8九州登录入口; residents of Fairfield County, OH. bet8九州登录入口兰开斯特分校学生优先. 学生的平均绩点必须不低于2分.5、有经济需要.


Students who are enrolled full- or part-time at bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus; the recipient is selected based on financial need in addition to academic success.


Students who are enrolled full- or part-time at bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus; preference for this scholarship will be given to students pursuing a degree in art or English; preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need based on federal financial aid standards, 由大学的财政援助办公室决定.


Students who are enrolled full- or part-time at bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus; students majoring in mathematics, 教育 或相关领域; students with a grade point average of 3.0或更高.


的 Charles Kilburger scholarship is open to all student who are enrolled and begin their studies full-time at bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus. 有资格被考虑的申请人 必须 a Fairfield County resident and completed 4 years at a Fairfield county high school.

  • 根据联邦财政援助标准(由大学财政援助办公室确定)和学术成绩证明经济需要的学生将优先考虑
  • 学生必须保持至少2分.平均绩点7分才能维持四年奖学金
  • Recipients are to complete 2 years at bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 before relocating to 雅典


Fulltime students enrolled in or accepted for admission to bet8九州登录入口 or bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校; preference given to students enrolled at 俄亥俄州的兰开斯特. Students 必须 residents of Fairfield County in Ohio, have a minimum GPA of 2.5、有经济需要.

威廉·C. 雷曼兄弟 & 米尔德里德K. 雷曼奖学金

Fulltime students enrolled in or accepted for admission to bet8九州登录入口 or bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校; preference given to students enrolled at 俄亥俄州的兰开斯特. Students 必须 graduates of a high school in Fairfield or Hocking County in Ohio. 学生的平均绩点必须不低于2分.5、有经济需要.

约翰 & Cindi Morehead奖学金

Degree-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in or accepted for admission to the bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus. 学生必须至少是兼职入学, 攻读bet8九州登录入口管理学位, 护理, 或相关领域. 学生必须从费尔菲尔德县的高中毕业, 俄亥俄州或邻近县的高中. 有兼职工作的学生优先考虑.


Students who are enrolled at bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus; this scholarship is awarded to the outstanding freshman applicant from 兰开斯特 High School or Fairfield County.


Scholarship is awarded to students relocating to the 雅典 Campus from the 兰开斯特大学.

OUL挑战赛奖学金(由Mark Sells及其家人设立)

Students who are enrolled full-time at bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus; preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need based on federal financial aid standards, 由大学的财政援助办公室决定; students with a minimum GPA of 2.7.




Students who are enrolled full-time at bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus; students 必须 majoring in business administration 或相关领域; an accumulative GPA of 2.75分才能获得奖学金.

查尔斯·R. 玛丽莲·Y. 斯塔基OUL奖学金

(up to 90% tuition scholarship) Students who are enrolled full- or part-time at bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus; preference will be given to students who graduated from 兰开斯特 High School or William V. Fisher Catholic High School; students with a GPA of at least 3.4; students who are pursuing a degree in engineering, 计算机科学, 自然科学, 工业技术, 数学或相关领域. 有经济需要者优先考虑.

拉里·E. 蒂普顿打工学生奖学金

Students who are enrolled full- or part-time at bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus; preference will be given to students majoring in business, 教育, communication or marketing; students who graduated from a high school within Fairfield County or contiguous counties with high academic standing; students who maintain a full-time or part-time job at the time of application process (must have a job to renew scholarship in subsequent years); student must have a strong recommendation from current employer, 有受雇日期. 有经济需要者优先考虑.


Undergraduate students enrolled in or accepted for admission to bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校. 学生必须证明有经济需要. 退伍军人学生优先.

杰夫 & 莫妮卡·沃茨奖学金

Full time undergraduate students enrolled in or accepted for admission to bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校. 学生必须证明有经济需要, and demonstrated academic merit. Preference will be given to students who are residents of Fairfield County, Ohio.

理查德·C. & Betty Jo Weiser捐赠奖学金

Students who are enrolled full- or part-time at bet8九州登录入口兰卡斯特分校 Campus; this scholarship is awarded alternately every other year; preference will be given to students pursuing a degree in business, 教育 或相关领域; financial need will be considered for this award.





