


约翰·麦卡锡 is a professor of Communication Disorders and Dean of the 卫生科学与职业学院. 他教授AAC课程, interprofessional教育, 在进行职前培训方向, 介绍沟通障碍. His research includes improving computer interfaces and expanding the creative possibilities for children and young adults requiring AAC.


  • PhD, Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Pennsylvania State University, 2004
  • MS, Communication Disorders, The Pennsylvania State University, 1999
  • BM, Music, The Pennsylvania State University, 1996


  • Developing better computer user interfaces and expanding the creative possibilities for children and young adults with complex communication needs.
  • Improving inter professional education outcomes with a focus on technology tools.


  • 西北D.J.麦卡锡,J.W.贝尼尼奥,J.P.蒙哥马利,美国.W., & “J. (2019). 编织的参与, 交互, and technology across recreational experiences: Perspectives from volunteers, 护理人员, 以及有复杂沟通需求的人. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 35(3), 217-228 http://doi.org/10.1080/07434618.2019.1597161
  • 博士德J.B., & 麦卡锡,J.W. (2019). Constructing programs for direct-care staff should rely on foundational theories to support adults with intellectual disabilities. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention http://doi.org/10.1080/17489539.2018.1567022
  • 麦卡锡,J.W.迪乔瓦尼,J.J.莱斯,D。..T,博斯特,J.B., & 涟漪,T.L. (2019). Exploration of head related transfer function and environmental sounds as a means to improve auditory scanning for children requiring augmentative and alternative communication. 辅助技术,DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2018.1559897
  • 西北D.J.麦卡锡,J.W., & 西北米. (2018). Supporting communication partners in a leisure setting to enhance social 交互 and participation for individuals with complex communication needs. Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders, 3(3), 1-15. http://doi.org/10.21849 / cacd.2018.00437
  • Huist,.E.麦卡锡,J.W.博斯特,J.B., & 贝尼尼奥·J.P. (2018). Using video to teach early language concepts and symbols to children with complex communication needs. 沟通障碍季刊. 提前在线出版. http://doi.org/10.1177/1525740118780419
  • 麦卡锡,J.W.贝尼尼奥,J. P.布拉赫,J.博斯特,J., & 赖特,B.M. (2018). Identification and drawing of early concepts in children with autism spectrum disorders and children without disability. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 2(2), 155-165. http://doi:10.1080/07434618.2018.1457716
  • 麦卡锡,J.W., & 博士德J.B. (2018). 2 .性能比较.5 to 3.5-year-old children without disabilities using animated and cursor-based scanning in a contextual scene. 辅助技术,30(4),183-190.. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10400435.2017.1307883
  • 博士德J.B. & 麦卡锡,J.W. (2018). Designing augmentative and alternative communication applications: The results of focus groups with speech-language pathologists and parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 13(4), 353-365. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17483107.2017.1324526
  • 麦卡锡,J.W. & 西北D.J. (2017). 匹配的模式,时间和情况. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 2(4), 106-114. http://doi:10.1044 / persp2.SIG12.107
  • 麦卡锡,J.W., & 迪茨,. (Eds.). (2014). Augmentative and alternative communication: An interactive clinical casebook. 圣地亚哥,加州:多元出版公司. Isbn 13: 978-1-59756-449-6


  • Co-Principal-Investigator: Virtual Reality Simulations to Address Provider Bias and Cultural Competency. Ohio Colleges of Medicine Government Resource Center (GRC) Providers as Allies in Equity and Care (PAEC) initiative via Ohio State University ($1,059,(包括51%的比赛)(2018-2019)
  • Co-Principal-Investigator: Health-Care Access Initiative #1- Interprofessional Health Teams Project. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services via Ohio State University ($1,612,532)(包括51%的比赛)(2016-2017)
  • 合作研究者:自闭症在学校特殊学生中的推广. “孤独症代言人”. ($5,000)(2016)
  • Co-Investigator: Enhancing Undergraduate Student Learning Through the Construction of Evidence-Based Materials to Families of Children with Autism with Graduate Student and 教师 Mentorship ($20,700)bet8九州登录入口1804基金(2014-2016)
  • Co-Principal-Investigator: Health-Care Access Initiative #1- Interprofessional Health Teams Project. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services via Ohio State University ($2,050,703)(包括51%的匹配)(2013-2015)
  • Co-Investigator: Health-Care Access Initiative #1- Interprofessional Health Teams Project. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services via Ohio State University, ($864,846.34)(2012-2013)(包括51%的比赛)
  • 首席研究员:技术 Augmented Team-Building in Interprofessional Health Science Graduate 教育. bet8九州登录入口1804基金(21,163美元)(2012-2013)
  • Principal Investigator: Improving auditory scanning interfaces in AAC devices. American Speech-Language Hearing Foundation New Century Scholars Competition ($10,000) (2008)
  • 首席研究员:技术, 艺术, and communication: An interdisciplinary education, 服务, and research pilot project to benefit individuals with and without disabilities. bet8九州登录入口1804基金(15,433美元)(2006-2007)
  • Principal Investigator: Personal narratives and individuals requiring AAC. American Speech-Language Hearing Association-Advancing Academic-Research Careers Competition ($5,000) (2006-2007)


  • National Society of Leadership and Success Excellence in Teaching Award (2018)
  • 研究及创意活动奖, 卫生科学与职业学院, bet8九州登录入口(2018)
  • bet8九州登录入口教师新闻人物(2016 & 2017) from media coverage of research and expertise
  • Best Poster Award: National Association of Teachers of Singing for poster, “The saliency of the “singer” identity and the pursuit of the “ideal” singer as measured by the SIAA (Singer Identity and Attitudes) questionnaire” (2016)
  • 研究及创意活动奖, 卫生科学与职业学院, bet8九州登录入口(2015)
  • 社区参与研究奖, 卫生科学与职业学院, bet8九州登录入口(2014)($8847)
  • bet8九州登录入口 College of Health and Human Services Exemplary Teaching Award (2008)
  • bet8九州登录入口 College of Health and Human Services Student Advisory Council Outstanding Teacher Award (2006)
  • Editor’s Award (2004): Augmentative and Alternative Communication for article “Performance of typically developing four- and five- year old children with AAC systems using different language organization techniques”


  • Member, bet8九州登录入口 Individualized Interdisciplinary Program Committee (2012-present)
  • 创意表达顾问(2012年至今)