
心理学 Department

Ranked among the Best Global Universities for 心理学

bet8九州登录入口是 ranked among the Best Global Universities by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道, with its psychology 程序 among the best in the world. 

U.S. 新闻还将在线心理学课程列为俄亥俄州最好的,在全国并列第34位.

Learn Why Our 心理学 Program Ranks!

The 心理学 Department offers a B.S. 解析:选B.S. in psychology—pre-physical therapy, an online bachelor's degree, and two doctoral psychology graduate 度.

俄亥俄州的 心理学 and Social Work Clinic 以具有竞争力的价格向社区提供一系列远程保健心理服务.


In the opening lines of the original Star Trek TV show, 进取号星舰的舰长声称太空是最后的疆界. While I loved the show, this never seemed true to me. 每一门科学都在其前沿探索和寻求新的认识. This is certainly true for psychology.


Here at bet8九州登录入口, students will gain knowledge of the well-trod areas, 学习如何评估提出的理论和bet8九州登录入口.g.(干预),加入勇敢者的行列,勇敢地走向前人未曾涉足的领域.

—Dr. 杰弗里·B. 温哥华,椅子

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Psychologists conduct both basic and applied research, serve as consultants, diagnose and treat people, teach future psychologists, test intelligence and personality, and work as health care providers. 该领域还为学生在健康和人类服务方面的心理学相关职业做好准备, 业务, 销售, 人力资源, 和更多的.

心理学事业 & 实习

Students in experimental psychology lab

心理学 and Social Work Clinic

bet8九州登录入口心理与社会工作诊所是一个由心理学系支持的门诊行为健康服务诊所,作为研究生临床医生的临床培训场所. 这家诊所以具有竞争力的价格向社区提供一系列心理服务. 

Social Work Clinic Services

sunset at Strouds Run


bet8九州登录入口是 ranked among the Best Global Universities by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道, with its psychology 程序 among the best in the world.

Celebrating 100th anniversary俄亥俄州开设心理学学位已有100年的历史, 心理学专业在学生数量和研究质量方面都在不断增长.

日益增长的人数: In the last five years, 该系增加了一名心理学专业的本科生,人数增长了68% online psychology 程序 to its already-popular in-person undergraduate degree. For maximum flexibility, 雅典的学生可以亲自或在线上课, mixing as they see fit. 很快,心理学也将成为俄亥俄地区大学的正式专业.

bet8九州登录入口的本科心理学学位有什么不同? 俄亥俄州提供B.S. in 心理学, whereas many colleges offer B.A. 度. 部门的B.S. 通过创新的学术环境,促进跨学科的专业知识交流,反映了其对科学的追求和对研究的承诺, 理论, 方法和鼓励包括教师在内的合作研究伙伴关系的发展, 研究生, and under研究生.

本科 student research许多心理学本科学生在学院实验室担任研究助理. 本科s earn a total of about 每年有350个学分的心理学研究项目. Some have published with faculty. Many have presented at professional conferences, 感谢系里资助本科生和导师一起去参加这些会议.

Internationally renowned researchers: 心理学教师 发表论文420余篇,演讲1次以上,000 papers at conferences over the past seven years. 总的来说,心理学教授被引用的次数超过3万次. 心理学系在许多研究领域都享有国际声誉, including health psychology, social judgment and behavioral decision-making, and intervention design and outcome evaluation. 教师 have received between $2.5元及1元.在过去的七年里,每年有500万的外部研究经费.

Beloved teachers and mentors学生对心理学课程的平均评价为4分.46 out of a 5-point scale.

Career advising and placement: 81% - 90%的心理学本科生在毕业后三个月内就业(2016-2020年). The 心理学 建议 and Resource Center 为本科心理学专业和未成年人提供他们探索心理学领域所需的资源和指导,并为他们在健康和人类服务领域从事与心理学相关的职业做好准备, 业务, 销售, 人力资源, 和更多的. 该中心还为心理学研究生课程和法学院等专业课程的学生做准备, 医学院, and health 程序s such as physical therapy, 咨询, 职业治疗和其他需要硕士或以上学位的心理学领域. 访问ors to the center rate it 4.5点计划中有46点是有用的,4点是有用的.72 in terms of satisfaction.

Accelerated 研究生 通路本系提供从本科到硕士的直接途径 Master's in Psychological Sciences via the Accelerated 研究生 通路 程序. 心理系是bet8九州登录入口第一个提供这样一个项目的系.

两个Ph值.D. 程序s in psychology:俄亥俄州 实验心理学和临床心理学博士学位. Ph值.D. 临床心理学是由美国心理学协会认可的. (The APA does not accredit experimental 程序s.心理学研究生课程每个大约有26到32名学生. The ratio of students to faculty is 3 to 1 in the Experimental 心理学 Ph.D. 程序 和3.5比1赔率 Clinical 心理学 Ph.D. 程序.

Financial support for 研究生:所有Ph值.D. students are supported on stipends and/or tuition waivers up through their fifth year. Approximately 25% serve as research assistants (RAs), 35% as teaching assistants (TAs), 40%的人是有记录的教师(不早于第三年,并经过教学培训).

Clinical student outcomes: The clinical 程序 is proud that 100% of those seeking accredited internships这是该计划的最后一步,在过去的10年里已经获得了它们. 此外,83%进入临床项目的毕业生(2012-2016).

Student researchers, authors and presenters: In the last seven years, 研究生 have been authors on 518 papers, with students as first authors on 159 of those. Under研究生 have been on 30 papers, with seven as first authors over that period (2015-2021). 研究生已经发表了606份海报和报告, 265 as first authors, with 99 undergraduates including 32 as first authors. 学院和院系为研究生参加会议提供旅费.

Successful graduates:毕业后, 博士生的平均工资在50美元左右,000 to $60,000, 但最多110美元,000.