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Ohio University Master of Accountancy Programs

CPA exam
Financial aid
not required

Earn an Advanced Accounting Credential from OHIO

In today's data-centered business world, 那些具有高级会计专业知识的人为成功做好了独特的准备. 虽然许多行业开始认识到大数据的重要性, accountants have worked with big data for decades.

bet8九州登录入口的会计和分析硕士课程以会计和分析为基础, though students also gain soft skills employers value, such as communication, problem-solving and collaboration. 课程作业强调案例研究和现实世界的商业bet8九州登录入口. 俄亥俄州商学院拥有AACSB商业协会和AACSB补充会计认证. 作为注册会计师,我们的会计教师将丰富的专业经验带入课堂. When you finish your program, 你将具备在各种环境中成为一名成功的注册会计师所需的技术和专业能力.

Choose the Right MAcc Path for You

No matter which modality option you pursue, 你将获得bet8九州登录入口闻名的优质教育和人脉.

  • Full-Time Master of Accountancy and Analytics


  • Online Master of Accountancy and Analytics

    根据你的教育背景,有三种途径可供选择, 你可以在短短30个学分内完成在线课程,毕业时准备好做出改变.

Compare OHIO's MAcc Programs


 Full-Time MAccOnline MAcc
Program Duration1 year5-8 semesters
Delivery FormatAthens CampusOnline
Course LoadFull-time: 2 courses every 7 weeksPart-time: 1 course every 7 weeks
In-state Tuition$18,090 (Accounting Path), $25,326 (Business Path)

$28,620 (Accounting Path), 

$40,068 (Business Path), 

$45,792 (Non-Business Path)

NEW 75% Lower Tuition Rate for Accounting Bridge Courses

持有会计以外专业学士学位的在线MAcc新生, 现在可以选修会计桥梁课程(MBA 6315, ACCT 5010, ACCT 5020, and ACCT 5030) at a 75% lower tuition rate*, reducing the total In-State tuition to $31,482 (Business Path) and $37,206 (Non-Business Path), a savings of over $8,500 for all four courses:



Start DatesCohorts start in May (summer semester)3 start dates per year (spring, summer and fall semesters)
Ideal Candidate持有会计学士学位并希望通过实践学习获得高级学位的个人.拥有任何专业的学士学位,并希望在灵活的工作时间内获得高级会计学位的个人, online format.
Why Choose This Track?商学院提供早期保证计划(EAP). Through these programs, 学生在本科生涯的早期或作为高中入学的一部分,可以保证在一个著名的研究生课程中获得一席之地.This program offers a pathway for any undergraduate major.  拥有会计或商业背景的学生可以获得商业分析研究生证书,这是他们学位课程的一部分.

学费和杂费仅供估计,可能会有变化. Pending Board of Trustees' approval.

*学生必须注册bet8九州登录入口在线MAcc课程(不包括校内MAcc和一年制MAcc), be accepted by the University, and first start classes on or after August 26, 2024年才有资格获得MAcc会计桥这四门课程的较低学费:MBA 6315, ACCT 5010, ACCT 5020, and ACCT 5030. 请注意,奖励奖学金不能超过每门课程费用的75%. To confirm reduced tuition rate and online program details, you are encouraged to speak with the Financial Aid Office. You can email to be referred to the Financial Aid Office. 可能会有其他限制,并且该计划可能会发生变化.

"Our program isn't one size fits all. 我们了解到,学生们有不同的学位背景和职业目标. 我们提供资源和bet8九州登录入口学习经验,为他们在选择的职业道路上迈出下一步所需要的技能做好准备." —Dr. David Stott, bet8九州登录入口会计学院院长,O'Bleness会计学教授
  • Start Your Journey with OHIO

    Begin your path to an MAcc today.

Prepare for the CPA Exam and Your Future Accounting Career

Upon graduation from one of OHIO's accredited MAcc programs, 你可以向招聘人员和招聘经理展示你已经为领导职位做好了准备. Our programs provide the accounting knowledge you need, along with the skills you need to communicate, organize, problem-solve, collaborate and manage in today's fast-paced business world. 俄亥俄商学院和会计学院在我们的毕业生身上建立了这些普遍需要的特质,以确保不仅仅是第一份工作的成功, but throughout a lifelong career path. 这个项目应该满足你所在州注册会计师执照的要求. 请向你的招生顾问咨询你所在州的具体要求.

Our Business Academic Advising & 职业服务中心与许多领先的实习和全职工作公司有着密切的联系和合作伙伴.

Explore MAcc Careers

Benefit from OHIO's Quality and Value

bet8九州登录入口商学院和会计学院, we ensure you get the multiple, 丰富的经验不仅能培养商业头脑,还能培养终身受益的软技能. 学生在课堂内外都是团队的领导者和贡献者, travel beyond their communities and comfort zones, and lead real-world projects for business partners.

When it comes to rankings and accolades, 我们的学院一直被评为全国最好的商学院之一. 在这些令人印象深刻的数字背后是一群杰出的教育工作者,他们致力于提供课程, support and an incomparable educational experience. 我们的课程获得了美国高等商学院协会(AACSB)的认证。. 全球只有5%的商学院拥有这一殊荣. In addition to AACSB accreditation, 俄亥俄州的商学院拥有AACSB会计准则的荣誉, 因此,我们的学生获得了整个行业公认的最高学术标准和职业准备学位.


A A C S B Accredited